Ms. Netiquette Bids Farewelll…

Dear Readers,

After over 7 wonderful years of reading and responding to your letters regarding game and chat etiquette, the time has come to bring this column to an end.

In these past 7-plus years, I’ve covered virtually every possible manners issue at least five times over, save a few “one in a millions”, and thus the decision to bring this beloved column to a happy conclusion.

You can always read the Ms. Netiquette Archives if you happen to need a quick fix during tea time.  That link takes you all the way back to 2006 when the column went weekly, but then skips ahead to 2010, so to view the years in between, you can start here: Old Pogo News Ms. Netiquette Archives.  Unfortunately -and for anyone keeping track – the first few columns before that are gone.

I started in early 2006 with just a few columns addressing a few “hot topic” concerns, and then after we realized that many players had many questions, we turned it into a weekly column in 2006.

To say a proper farewell, I feel it necessary to take a look back, so I’ve handpicked three of my favorite columns to wrap up what has been a really fun part of my job. So, without further ado, here are a few of my favorite columns from the past!


1. Is it Impolite to Use Witchcraft to Win the Game? This one was so far out of left field that this probably stands out to me as my most memorable column. It was certainly the most fun I’ve ever had researching an answer!

2. Hey Nettie, In Case You’ve Forgotten– Politeness is the Norm on Pogo! This column came at a time when I was still fairly new to the job, and had been spending a lot of time reading complaints about players.  Most importantly, it served as a pleasant reminder to me to keep in mind that most people on Pogo are already following the rules of etiquette.  It’s very easy to get jaded when all you read are complaints.  The answer to the second letter in that column caught the eye of my boss at the time, who complimented me on it, so this is one of my more memorable columns, personally.

3. Can Pogo Players Be Too Nice? This may have been the one time where both parties embroiled in an issue wrote in about the same situation. Or possibly it was unrelated, we’ll never know, but the coincidence was amazing regardless, and it was the only time in the thousands upon thousands of letters I’ve received that this sort of thing occurred.

And there you have it! Thank you all for supporting the Ms. Netiquette column over the years. It has truly been one my life’s greatest blessings to have had the honor to do this column, and I wish you all a wonderful, etiquette-filled, “use-the-mute-when-you-have-to” future!


Ms. Netiquette

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  • ok ok alright already…dang folks! we’re all going to miss her but let her go…play the games and keep her in ur memories….geeze

  • We here across the Pond (in the UK) will also miss you – and as other folks have said, I always looked forward to reading the questions and your so-wise answers. May you have happiness in whatever you do and know you will be hugely missed. Take care and good luck.

  • Previous reply – name spelled wrong!! Late at night here in the UK and past my bedtime!!

  • Yours was the only column in the newsletter that I regularly read. I shall miss you. May your future endeavors be filled with blue skies and green lights.

    • I agree with CaseyLamb95. I’ve enjoyed your column tremendously!

  • this is so sad. I lose my mom and Ms. Netiquette in the same year. Pogo will never be the same :(

    • My condolences on the passing of your mom. I hope that you find the strength to move forward and remember that she will live forever in your heart today, tomorrow and forever.

    • Oh, recluse37, I am so sorry! My husband passed on a few weeks ago and it is a shock to find someone you are used to having around not hanging around anymore. Hugs and be strong!

  •……ty for replying to the posts that you did….may you find friendships and success in whatever you chose to do after this………good luck in the near future

  • awe this is truly a very sad day for all pogoers this site will not be the same without YOU
    hoping we hear from you from time to time just knowing you are A_OK missing you already
    Blessings be yours always
    so long dear friend

  • You will be sorely missed. I have enjoyed your columns for many years. When I drink that cup of tea I will be thinking of you. God Bless you and take care.

  • Reading your column was one of the highlights of my week. You will be missed so much. Really sad.

  • You will so missed. Enjoy your freedom. Take care and be safe.

  • Please forward this to the proper dept if it needs to be sent somewhere else:
    The emoticons that flash are very annoying. I wish they would stop. It should be outlawed.

    • You should check the Pogo Forum and leave the comment there if you want to pursue it. This is for posting responses to the “pertinent article”, which is – bidding adieu to Ms. Netiquette. I hope this assists you.

      • Gal, your intention is good but the Pogo Forum is a peer-to-peer forum and isn’t checked by Pogo staff. Getting in touch with Pogo does seem to be a real pain to do, but the forums aren’t the way.

  • I enjoyed playing “Letters from Nowhere” until close to the end. Then it turned into a dark occult about a Secret Society that kidnaps and murders someone. Animation or not, I was appalled and disappointed in Pogo for bringing something like this to the game screen and my life. I just reached my third anniversary and never even had a thought of having to watch for violence or of the occult in any of their games. WHAT WERE YOU THINKING?

    • Well, first of all, thanks for ruining the game for us :( Secondly, if you really feel so strongly about it, you need to post in the appropriate place. This thread is to tell Ms. Netiquette goodbye and thanks for all her great work she has shared with us over the years.

      You will be missed Nettie <3

  • Thank you for all your wonderful input over the years. I always felt that you were appropriately kind and thoughtful with your responses, without being a Pollyanna. Good luck with your future endeavors! I will miss your wit and wisdom.

  • Oh Nettie I will surely miss your column I look forward to reading how will address politely some of the crazy things sent your way. I hope you will be with pogo in some other role Because it would sure be a loss for them and the players for you to go elsewhere. Wherever you go I wish you the best

  • Thankyou for the seven years of sevice to we pogoers. You have enhanced this web site tremendeously, and have handled the difficult and weird in a thoughtful,intelligent and when possible, humourous way. Thankyou.

  • Dear Nettie, I have enjoyed your column and advice when ever I checked in. May you find enjoyment with anything you undertake. May all skies be blue and sunny. Take good care dear lady, you will be missed. Thank you, from a long time Club Pogo member.

  • I’m sorry! Obviously my previous comment was directed to the wrong location. Please send to where it should be sent.

  • I will join the others and say thank you for a great 7 years. Your column was always one of my favorites to read.

  • what are the slang letters for chat rooms

  • Boy I hate change, will miss your columns and your sage advice, wit, humor, and your thoughtfulness to all who wrote to you, where ever you are going next best of luck, will miss you your insights and freshness


  • dear nettie
    i join the others who say you will be missed. i enjoyed reading your column
    just like everyone else. good luck in whatever you do. God Bless!

  • I guess I’ll just have to second (third, fourth, etc.) everyone else and say that this is the column that I read most often. It was always good to put a smile on my face. I never came across any of the topics you addressed (knock on wood) but I’ll know how to handle them if I do. :) I’ve really enjoyed reading you and hope you enjoy your time off.

  • I join everyone too with my condolences in losing your mother as well as wishing you will on whatever you choose to do for the future. The Pogo community will feel the loss of your leaving for quite some time I’m sure but they always say when 1 door closes another opens (you just have to recognize that open door)

    • I second what Patty said. I have always enjoyed your column, Ms Nettie!!
      Good luck to you in the future!

  • “Dear Abby” must be about 200 years old by now, but the newspapers all over the country haven’t done away with HER! Advice columns exist under every name and in every newspaper. Why? Because people want to READ the column. We WANT to read Ms. Nettie! Pogo: Don’t you get it yet? Please rescind your decision and let Ms. Nettie stay. If the current Ms. Nettie has valid reasons for wanting to leave, fine – – – but that does NOT mean that the column should go kablooey! Get someone else. Heck I’ll do it!!!! Jiomminey Yokums! for dumb, Pogo.

    Get a brain! (Putting a dash of something stronger in my Earl Grey Tea. I’m so mad I need it! Pogo you are growing short sighted and greedy I fear! Read some of Ms. Nettie’s old letters and get some Nettiquette! You NEED it!

    • I’ll second that motion Lily. It seems that all we are hearing about every month now is EA closing down something to do with Pogo or trying to fix things that aren’t broken etc.

      So EA please wake up to the fact that all you are doing is giving people more reasons not to stay with Pogo.

      Ms Nettie if this is your decision then I wish you all the best and hope that your new career goes well, but if it’s not then EA “WAKE UP” and reinstate this column as it’s obvious even to an idiot like me that MS Nettie is a much read column.

  • I enjoyed reading your column. Yours was the one article I read on a regular basis. Your wit and talent for writing will be missed by many on this sight. Best of luck to you in the future.

  • I enjoyed your column. I sought your advice once and you helped me. May you enjoy your cup of tea at your leisure every day. Your column will be missed. Janice

  • Thank You. I have enjoyed your column so much. Unfortunately there wasn’t any new problems to solve. Just the same old thing. People will have to learn to MUTE all by themselves. I wish you well in whatever new endeavor you decide to do. Good Luck.

  • I enjoyed your column…..You will be missed….Sure hope someone replace you and be as good as you….enjoy your new life….pogo will miss you too….

  • Aww this sucks, I only hope you have a great life. Thank you for all your great articles you have posted and responded to in the best manner. Will miss reading your columns but life does go on so hopefully we will hear back from you or the column comes back when you are ready & AE permits. Miss you and take care

  • Goodbye Tahd. You always hit the nail on the head.

  • Miss Nettie! Thank-you for leaving us with your favorite 10. I think they we’re an awesome choice! U go girl! Blessings!

  • Even though you will no longer be here to do the column which will be missed greatly i appreciate the work and love you put into each one. Hope this is just a sabatical and you will come back in the future. At least i will have your archives to refer and hope it will address any concerns i may have, even though there are new things all the time.

    Enjoy what ever your next adventure is.

  • i havent been in the club but 3yrs but i do thank u 4 ur work, its been a pleasure :-)

  • You are the only thing I read in the News section…..going to miss you for sure!!! But I’m sure after reading the questions you get asked, that you would rather do something more challenging? lol Good luck in what ever you venture into next!

  • nettie you will be sorely missed since joining pogo almost 5 years ago i have read your column with delight every week whether answering simple problems wo deep issues with other players your words and tea have got us threw everything life or pogo threw at us.

    pls if this dear sweet lady has to leave then that is a sad sad day but pls note we love this coloumn we want someone else to take over and continue through

  • Well Ms. thank you for a job well done! When I think of all the topics you’ve covered i’m awed. Best wishes and may you find all the help and good advice you’ll given to others in your future thank you and god bless.

  • You will be missed by a lot of people,good luck in your next adventure!!!!!!!

  • You will be missed greatly. Best of luck to you.

  • Your column will be missed. I look forward to reading the archives. Best wishes for your future endeavors.

  • Farewell to the column. The questions do seem to have been repetitive over the years. Maybe there can be a special edition column that comes out once or twice a year addressing those “one in a million” questions that haven’t been asked before and/or that are of importance.

  • god speed,thank you for all the years,good luck

  • dym09

    GOOD BYE Ms. N Will miss ur comments.

  • Fare the well, Ms. Netiquette!

  • Goodbye and good luck to you…I promise you will be missed. Thank you for all the insight, tears and love thru the years. Hugs!

  • I am absolutely bereft. Ms. Netiquette was one of the few true joys i had in my week. I am not sure I understand why if you wanted to leave you all couldn’t find a way to have some sort of occasional answering of unique problems by someone else and reprints at other times, or something like that–some way to keep manners in the forefront of people’s minds as they went about their week–it’s very important and you have done us a great service and for that I thank you, Nettie. But please, Pogo, offer some sort of alternative for those of us who enjoyed Nettie’s gentle reminders of what it means to be a good Pogonian!

    Best Wishes, Nettie!

  • Ms. Nettie. You will be greatly missed. Typical of EA. Evidently there is no money to be made from this column. No gems spent to read it. More and more EA is making this site all about spending money to play games, buy gems, download new games. Pogo is definitely changing and not for the better. The “old” Pogo was a much better deal!!

  • nikiazPlayer july 1st 2013 ms netty i am going to miss you wish you all the best

  • yes the *OLD* pogo was the best,im leavin’ also,not gonna re-new a waste of my money/time,,,cant relate 2 any-1 on here w/problems,no phone numbers,$39.99 a person,this guys laughin’ all the way 2 the bank,while we pay 4 this nonsence,cant get into rooms,its become a BIG SCAM,,,,,they broke what was once a good thing…found facebook offers more-for free,,,thank you it once was fun,,if pogo EVER goes back to its OLD self I MAY COME BACK…COOKI

    • I whit you cook I worght lest and that toke it off so no one wil get to see it

  • Now what the heck will I have to look forward to on Fridays? Your humor will be sorely missed by this coffee drinker (I hate tea but love me some Ms. Netiquette). I have no clue what Pogo is thinking these days but it stinks. If they need someone to continue the column they can sign me up – mikothebaby1963