We are excited to announce that Club Pogo has launched a brand-new homepage. Designed with you in mind, the new page is streamlined for ease of use, and modernized for a fresher look.
While the new design is straightforward and should be easy to navigate, we want to call out some of the highlights:
Most Recently Played Games Bar. Placed at the top, this bar allows you to add these games to your “My Favorites” list by simply clicking the little ‘heart’ icon in the upper left corner. Now you can quickly get to your favorites, and add new favorites to latest discoveries!
Bigger Spotlight and News Section! See top Pogo News stories as soon you as visit, and preview Spotlights using the icon bar, or just wait for them to scroll through on their own.
Member’s “My Stuff” on the Middle Left! Find your Mini, your token and gem counts, and other important account information.
Challenge Information on the Right! Find all your current activated challenges and recent badge information
Navigation Tabs! Choose between “Favorites”, “Categories” and “Games A-Z” We’ve added game icons to the “Favorites” tab so you can see the visual representation of those games you like best!
It is time for someone to start a class action law suit so we can get our money back from pogo. I did not sign up for this mess when I signed a month ago. Are there any lawyers that would like to take on the case. Pogo you have gone tooooooooo far as far as I am concerned.
… Not sure if serious …
Why mess with something that isnt broken? Put the old page back.
I have been a member for a long time also. Pogo has gone from a great game site to an unrecognizable wreck! I really hate what they have done and will be moving on to king.com
I hate the new homepage, it is confusing and is not neat and organized like the old one was. I pay for Pogo every year, I SHOULD be able to choose my home page with Pogo!
Why mess with something that was fine. PLEASE instead fix games that don’t play right……
I hate this. Why can’t you leave things alone?
NO WAY! GIVE BACK THE OLD PAGE. This one stinks to the moon. Pogo is great for making changes for the sake of change. Well,,,,,,,,,Guess what?? If we don’t get, or at least have the option to have the OLD PAGE,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,I’ll be damned if I’ll renew my Club Pogo subscription when it’s up for renewal! I’ve been a member since AUG 1999……….. You people make changes just for the sake of change and too hade’s with WE OUT HERE!
I hate it…thats just my opinion the ones that designed and approved it mustve been proud of it? :|
BRING BACK THE OLD HOME PAGE !!!! This new home page is terrible !! The old page had good graphics and a great layout. This mess you have now looks like a bunch of school kids just learning. Very unprofessional looking . I don’t like it at all.
This new page sucks. I agree with everyone else “DON’T FIX SOMETHING IF ITS NOT BROKE” Now I guess they don’t want my comment because it keeps saying I’m posting to fast
This new home page sux,why try to fix something that was not broke.CMON POGO!
I really don’t like this new homepage – very cluttered and disorganized. Please bring back the former homepage – this one is horrible – very unprofessional looking. And why the change anyway???? Whoever designed this new one should be fired! It looks like something a child designed.
It looks prettier, but totally sucks to use. Can you tell I haate it with a purple passion?
This is the worst. Please bring back the old page. Im with everyone, I do not like this new page. Why messs with something that is not broke.
UGH! the old page wasn’t broken, why did you try to fix it? take the cast off! Return it to its original state.
I do not like the new homepage. The old way was very clear with the items on the left. I am not interested in the navigation tabs. This makes for a confusing page. I used to log on and find it a peaceful, relaxing setting. Now when I log it seems very overwhelming to me. I want the old homepage back. I have enjoyed playing these games for several years but as a paying member for this site I am not happy.
Come on Pogo. You see we hate this new page look. We don’t pay a membership for you to mess with something we don’t like. Put it back the way it was. Someone wasn’t thinking when you made this change. The way you have this looks very sloppy.
What a mess! You seriously need to do some focus groups with players before making changes like this. I don’t care what game I played most recently. I want to easily access my favorite games. And why are you hiding the rest of your games behind tabs? Do you not want people to actually play games?! This just reinforces my decision not to renew my club pogo subscription.
I am like the rest who has commented…I find it confusing and really BRIGHT!! Liked the old format better, easier to see, read and locate things. Maybe next time pogo, you should ask our opinion before changing it so drastically. We pay for the site, let the changes be our decision.
yup dont like it either
I want the old page back NOW!!!!!!
Wow! Glad to see I’m not the only one not liking the New Home Page.
And please Pogo don’t tell us is “only a matter of getting use to it” because is not, of course we are going to get use to it because we don’t have the choice but that doesn’t mean we like it or are going to ever like it.
I have to agree that it looks fresher but that’s about all and maybe that it takes the full screen.
But please anser this questions.
Is it really necessary to have the “Recently played games” on top and occupying so much space? Who really need to remember this? If you can remember how to play a game, about badges and everything you can certainly remember what games you played recently IF you need to.
Do you, Pogo, really thought about us players (“designed with you in mind”) who spend hours and hours playing? Or did you really thought about Pogo as to make the “adds” (which we shouldn’t have at all) section bigger?
We, Club members, want to be able to see our minis, that’s what “personalizes” our Home Page, this way it seems that I’m in the non-club page. Also, a lot of us spend tons of gems to buy mini items and now we can not even see our minis?
Favorites list….really? those big yellow buttons and small images of the games? Do we really need them? NO.
As for me it’s buy to my favorites list, from now on I will stick to the A-Z list or the category list, looks cleaner.
The only way I could like this new look is if you get rid of the “recently played games on top”, move it to the bottom or make it a vertical list and put it on the left, under (I said UNDER) the “My Stuff” section, and also if you get rid of the awful look of the Favorites list.
Hear to your customers, almost no one likes the new look.
If I had to choose…the old vs. the new, I would choose the old. Just about everything I needed to see fit perfectly on my monitor.
This new home page is just too cluttered for my taste. And what I HATE THE MOST is that I have to scroll down just to see my mini. I know I am the voice of many when I say that we spend a lot of money on gems for mini items for our self & for friends. We like dressing our mini’s…some of us, several times a day! And we enjoy the mini contests. I like to see my mini when I log on to home page. I don’t like to scroll down to see it. I know it only takes a second to do, but that isn’t really the point.
I hope you will take all of our comments to heart and maybe change some of the most complained about things on the new home page. ( like moving our mini up higher!! )
Thanks for listening ( reading….I hope you read this )
You’re kidding right? Is it April Fools day? Did someone have a brainfart? Can you just hit the UNDO button on this new homepage thing, please?
mary2511 O.M.G when u screw up pogo you really go to town!!! the new homepage..what a BIG BIG screw up.its total crap!! why oh why dont you listen to your members? spend your time and our money doing something useful…like getting rid of stupid games i e.greenback bayou where token awards are rediculous,enlarge some games ie card cames cause we all dont have great eyesight,and put an end to freezing up!!!!
Did Pogo really pay someone to design the new home page???? Does everyone at Pogo wear sunglasses so the glare of all the white don’t hurt their eyes??? Please bring back the old home page. Not everyone can afford a 32 inch monitor, now I have to scroll up, down, left or right to find all the stuff on the home page. Its really a shame that Pogo has such little regard for its members that you don’t care about our opinion. BRING BACK THE OLD HOME PAGE.
I really do not like the new format. There was nothing wrong with the old one.
hate it, hate it
Of every1 that wrote something here, No one like’s the new change. Nor do I. My favorite games all mixed up and I have trouble finding them. Even my mini is smaller.
If you want to change something do a upgrade to the many games. Like World Class Solitaire it needs help bad.
Do Not Like It! I’m left-handed so having the side bars reversed is really a challenge. I also liked having my Mini at the top of the page instead of the middle. What is the value add for these specific changes? Change just for the sake of change is nothing more than different. It’s not a value add and does not represent good customer stewardship.
If this has been commented on, my apologizes. The favorites (games marked with pink hearts) in the A to Z list are not the same as the favorites on the favorites list. They also change each time the page is refreshed. A perfect solution for those looking to having both “all games” & “favorites” on the page at the same time is having that column to sort by favorites, but there is not much purpose if they are NOT YOUR favorites. Any way someone can look into that?
What an annoyance to have to scrowl down through all the games to find the ones you want to play. The old home page was so much better so why make this sort of drastic change? “New and improved” never is. Please listen to your paying customers, Pogo. Just once, admit that you made a huge mistake and give us back the old format. Please?
I too hate the new format. You can’t even tell if you’ve won a badge or been given token credits unless you go back to the home page
I cast my vote with the ‘very much dislike’ the new home page for Club Pogo. The previous page was easier to navigate to where you wished to go to. The previous Pogo page layout had a greater range of options for the member than does the new version. It’s as if you went from a 2012 Cadillac’s dashboard to a 1988 Chevy dashboard.
Hate the new home page. Please bring back the previous version!!!
HATE IT!!! Please listen to all of the Pogo Players and BRING BACK THE OLD PAGE PLEASE!!!!
And Lo ~ the chorus of “woe” and “Oh noes” has begun. All over a change to the home page…a change, by the way, I happen to like and realize that it actually DOES make it easier to find things. My reaction is one of “Really? With all that is going on in the world, you’re having a melt-down over a cyber change?” It cleans up the page, makes it easier to see (and don’t play the “old age” card with me, it won’t work … I’m 66 going on 67) and frankly, looks better.
Of course, change IS hard and adjustment is never easy – but then, what in life worth having is? I’m sure there will be the “I’ve been a member for [insert available number here] and I’m going to [insert veiled threat here]. You know what gang? There really isn’t another site quite like POGO and what’s more interesting is that most people know it. Life is change and cyber life is definitely filled with change. I’ve been playing on the computer since 1980’s and trust, I’ve seen a LOT of changes over that time.
If, rather than immediately jumping in to the comments to fire of some half-thought screed, people would take a few moments out of their busy badge hunting schedules and actually LOOK at the page and spend a few moments with it, the whining response probably would fade away.
I did spend time on the new homepage. That’s why I can say specific things I don’t like about it and said so when they gave the preview earlier.
Pogo seems to have stopped listening to members unless they say things people want to hear, thus the deluge of complaints for not making changes prior to launching this behemoth that is too bright (too much white), makes no sense (who needs to see recently played games at the top? buries the games behind tabs?), and no longer displays progress on weekly badges.
These and many of the other changes that have been made to Pogo are why I am choosing not to renew my club pogo subscription.
“Bill” You are not a pogo paying member. Obviously a Pogo/EA employee. We have seen several of you on this thread you are fooling no one. And don’t even play the age card, if you are 67 I am a supermodel from Paris. YOU SHOULD BE ASHAMED OF YOURSELF CORPORATE SHILL !!
>>> “There really isn’t another site quite like Pogo” – YOU BET THERE ARE BILLY BOY AND FREE!!!!
>>>> ” I’m sure there will be the “I’ve been a member for [insert available number here] and I’m going to [insert veiled threat here].” VEILED THREAT??? No,silly Billy..MEMBERS ARE NOT RENEWING, CANCELLING CURRENT MEMBERSHIPS, AND ARE GONE!
I don’t like this new home page. When I logged in, my first impression was that I had somehow landed on the non-members page. The daily challenges and the badge challenges are almost invisible. Going to the collective Badge Challenge listing is not user friendly, it is annoying. I don’t want to hunt for the Daily and Weekly Challenges every time I log in. I don’t need or care to have a picture of my favorite games … since they’re ‘favorites’, I know what they look like.
Please return the home page to its former layout. This new one is not an improvement at all.
I complained before about the many changes to pogo I, as well as most others disliked, but I am no longer complaining I am acting. I have not played much because of the changes in recent months so I should have done this a long time ago. This home page was the last straw.
You should have listened pogo instead of making up positive reviews or mocking your paying subscribers in “Letters to the Editor” when they had serious concerns – or just flat out ignoring members all together. And why do you insist on calling it “Ms.Netiquette” when it is a man who writes the (bad) advice column most of the time? Only a man would mock people when they voiced concern or asked for help. It was very disrespectful.
I wish you well – but no more money or time will be wasted on this site from me. With sadness I am not renewing in December.
Its unattractive and cheap looking..I hate it.. Hundreds if not thousands of members are having problems with games not loading or freezing.. Why not spend time on that pogo? Pogo use to be fun.. You sign on, load a game and chat.. Not so anymore.. We constantly have to empty cache uninstall and instal.. Is that fun? NO!!!! Please do something positive for a change..
I agree, it is no longer enjoyable. Pogo used to be a fun escape for a hour or so. Now it is just a mess. I am so sorry but I will not be renewing.I just removed my automatic renewal. This is one too many bad and unnecessary changes. I have been on the fence about it since they cancelled the mini shows and retired a couple games I always played. Very disappointed but will move on to a new site to play games.
I don’t like it. Go back to the way it was.
If it ain’t broke dont fix it. Pogo dosn’t listen to what the paying customers say. All the new looks make it not fun to play here anymore. And they already have mye-mail why ask for it again for this. Getting to hate this site.
I don’t like it either. Where are the daily games for the 1,000 tokens. It was so easy to read before.
dont like it it sucks nothing wrong with the old one if you trying to get rid of your customers then you doing a good job with all these changes
I really don’t care for the new Pogo Home Page, I think it ugly and things are confusing. Please put it back to the way it was. All of the people complaining can’t be wrong. We should have what we like since we pay for it. Not what you think we would like.
Thumbs DOWN.
Agreed – Hate it
Ok, I am confused, along with everyone else. If you wanted to do a face lift to the home page, you should have just changed the colors and left well enough alone. I hate that the badge information is on the right side now, along with all the other information out of whack. I cannot have my favorites up top and need to click on a tab to see all games. And, if I have any messages or gifts, I have to scroll down to see them now. UGH! :( – dislike – I support Pogo 100%, but, I have to disagree with this launch.
hate it tooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
well it seems to be that MANY MANY players agree with me, why doesn’t pogo try asking before they change things that players are happy with….I HATE THIS NEW HOME PAGE!!!!!!!! there was NOTHING wrong with the one we had so why can’t you PLEASE just leave it alone, seriously you have nothing better to do than mess with things that are fine the way they are…we do pay to play here so you should not change things that we don’t want changed…listen to your players…
truckerjim4242 please revert back to the old homepage which we all knew and got on with
This is the WORST!! HATE IT!!! Please give us back the old page. PLEASE!!!!!
This new format is HORRIBLE!!! Looks cheap and unprofessional. I pay good money for Club Pogo and this is stupid looking.