We are excited to announce that Club Pogo has launched a brand-new homepage. Designed with you in mind, the new page is streamlined for ease of use, and modernized for a fresher look.
While the new design is straightforward and should be easy to navigate, we want to call out some of the highlights:
Most Recently Played Games Bar. Placed at the top, this bar allows you to add these games to your “My Favorites” list by simply clicking the little ‘heart’ icon in the upper left corner. Now you can quickly get to your favorites, and add new favorites to latest discoveries!
Bigger Spotlight and News Section! See top Pogo News stories as soon you as visit, and preview Spotlights using the icon bar, or just wait for them to scroll through on their own.
Member’s “My Stuff” on the Middle Left! Find your Mini, your token and gem counts, and other important account information.
Challenge Information on the Right! Find all your current activated challenges and recent badge information
Navigation Tabs! Choose between “Favorites”, “Categories” and “Games A-Z” We’ve added game icons to the “Favorites” tab so you can see the visual representation of those games you like best!
My renewal is coming up in a couple of days. I am seriously thinking of not renewing. Glad I held off until this change was made! What happened to the daily and weekly challenges? At first glance, I did not see them. Are they somewhere else on this VERY confusing home page?
Again you have broken something that did not need fixing and you continue to ignore things that DO need fixing. Considering all the comments (above), when can we expect to get back to our familiar and comfortable way of seeing and doing things in Pogo?
The new layout is functional but loses appeal due to longer and more time consuming steps to reach goals, games, and other site choices. Sorry not a home run.
My new home page looks nothing like the screen shot you are providing. The daily and weekly challenges are way down at the bottom, not visible at all unless I scroll way down. This is weird. I see a lot of empty space. I’m guessing the formatting isn’t right and y’all are having issues.
I detest the new homepage, it looks like facebook. I have never used the facebook connect, now pogo looks just like it. I have to hunt my mini. The new homepage is just too busy and cluttered, hard on bi-focaled eyes. A complete nightmare, really not at all enjoyable.:(
I don’t like it at all. Makes me feel like I’ve been given large print assistance when I didn’t ask for it. It’s too busy, I feel like I’m on a child’s website, it’s more time consuming and difficult locating what I’m looking for, have to scroll much further than before, and there was nothing wrong with the previous ‘home page’ which was easier on the eyes, easier (and quicker) locating stuff, and much less of a pain to navigate. If this was a move merely to appease your advertisers, then, I’ll go elsewhere.
I do NOT home like the new home page. It is a mess, I don’t need you keeping track of what games I last played. It’s a waste of time. I know what I am going. The Favorites are now off the screen so I have to scroll to them and then click on the play button rather than the game. The BIG white box in the center is a waste. The old little oval was just fine. I knew how to find the information. I don’t need all the advertising trying to get me to spend gems. If I wanted to play clue or buy new games, I knew how to do that and it is insulting to put it right in my face. The dailys and weeklys should be on the left as they used to be. I can’t see my mini, I have to scroll down. Why are you trying to mess this up!!!!
It very colorful. I think Pogo really trying to make it better for us and appealing to our eyes. The latest games played could be eliminated. I know what I have played and do not need to be retold. This would help to take out some of the business of the home page. They have a good idea but need to tone it down a little.
My most recently played games are already in my favourites list. I don’t need them on the screen twice, it’s a waste of space. Also, I’m curious as to why the badges were moved from right to left, change for the sake of change?
i do not like the new page at all, it was not broken – why did you try to fix it.
leave well enough alone should have been your motto
Seems to me Pogo has a lot of members who are not happy with the new format. I want to be in that group. I don’t like change and the old format was much better, please go back to the old one this one sucks.
I hate this Homepage! It’s as if someone got on my computer and changed all of my preferred settings. Very irratating and I should not be made to feel this way from a place I have always come to relax and play games.
Well they say it takes at least 21 days to get use to any new changes … Everything seems accessively big. Could do without the latest games I’ve played at the top of the page, don’t care about that also move the challenges back to the right that’s what I look for first and anyone knows a page generally reads left to right.
I undressed my Mini in protest and put a sad face on her. ‘Corse it’s hard to even see her w/ this new layout. This may be only way I can let you know unhappy. I buy gems but won’t when these are gone.
i hate this.. will not renew my menbership.
Improvement! You have got to be kidding!
hope you will listen to us users and BRING BACK THE OLD FORMAT NOW……………………………………………………………………………………….
Nope,Don’t Like It! Seems to cater to facebook fans and downloadable games. I Don’t like either of those, so, I am not a fan of the new layout or navigation, etc.
Once again Pogo (EA) has changed something for the worse. Appreciate it so much….not!
total garbage. will not pay to play any more for this. I think it is actually worse than the free facebook games garbage.
Since pogo is not listening to us then maybe we should not renew, mine runs out in February, I may not renew unless pogo goes back to the old format. I carry two subscriptions on here and have nothing but problems since pogo started changing these games. Been here more then 10 years but probably will not renew my accounts. Pogo used to be good but not anymore with embedded games and all the activations. Freeze ups, games not loading and yes too may advertisements. We pay for these games Pogo needs to stop fixing things that aren’t broke and ask the members what they think before they change things! Go back to the old.
Just adding my voice / vote. The new home page is horrible.
This totally sucks..Come on Pogo what were you thinking, never mind you were not thinking thats the problem, we pay for this crap..This sucks
this new page is crap whoever thought this one up must of had a bad nightmare. and to think we pay for this why can’t you leave well enough alone and fix the things that need to be fixed . I’m about ready to quit pogo.
WOW! well, for once you finally stop sitting on your hands and playing with your,
BUUUT seeing what you did to the Homepage Pleaaaase i beg you go back to sitting on your hands
It seems it what you do best.
Well the new home page is just ridiculous. Confusing, ugly and TACKY. Did someone need to justify their job or what. More and more this site looks like all the other flashy hard to deal with sites. I want my homepage personalized for me…as it was, not as you think it should be. Not as someone else pointed out :below the fold. I PAY for this gamesite, I expect to be comfortable using it. Dang how about some consumer input BEFORE you launch this crap on us??
Sorry, Pogo. You missed with this one. The new home page is way too bright, everything is spread out, and I have to use the lower scroll bar to get to the other side of the page to access the daily/weekly challenges. I know you probably won’t consider going back to the old one, but there is absolutely nothing positive to say about this revised home page. To put it mildly, it SUCKS!
What was wrong with the old homepage? Why try to re-invent the wheel? It is a real mess. I hope the people at pogo can wake up and restore some sanity before they lose all their members.
This is really not user friendly. I used to be able to see my favs and the weekly challenges without scrolling to the bottom of the page. What a waste of time. If I want to see Pogo News, I can go to that tab myself, not have to have it take up half of my screen. I think you are catering to the social network crowd and not worried about the everyday players. I will really have to think about renewing my subscription when the time comes.
Well, this is my third time to send a message due to your little popup that says I am going too fast to submit this!! ???
I do not like the new format… please leave it alone. I just renewed this week, but may well rescind that if this one continues to be our format. Hopefully this one goes through!!
They did not design this with me in mind. Kind of wish I had not renewed my membership
The new format is Horrible!! Why change??? Who’s brilliant idea was this!??? Ever heard the old saying “Don’t fix what aint broke”!?????? Please bring back the old format!! Thx
This is just awful! I totally agree: it’s confusing and liked the old homepage MUCH better! Get rid of this!!!!!!
Oh, and I will not renew in February.
This is really bad. For once listen to your players and put the old page back. I too am not going to pay for something that is so awful. Im not enjoying it at all. Change it back today not next week
Thia new home page is a train wreck. However it goes along nicely with the ‘no customer service’ service. After 9 years I gave up trying to get a response – the subscription for pogo is reasonable so I’ll just deal with it.
UGLY – I agree – if POGO does not return to what it was – I will not renew.
I also agree that the new home is HORRIBLE!!! The programmers should spend more time fixing the errors in the games rather then screwing up the home page!!!
WHY??? The new page is confusing, and I HATE it. None of the friends or family I have asked like it either. And now we have to deal with ads as well? At least give us the option to switch or stay with the old page!
I came to complain, and was quite surprised to see so many people feel the same way I do. I do not like this new home page. Go back to the old this one is stupid.
POGO used to be a place I went to for “stress relief”.. kick back and play a few fav’s and let the days aggravations fade away.. Now POGO is the aggravation, and I’m paying for it! Not everything has to constantly change. I chose to pay a fee to be able to slip into my comfy ‘stress-relief’ place, I really loved the way IT USED TO BE. Kick the FB wanna be out of your design department, and return it to the way YOUR PAYING MEMBERS were happy to have it.
I’m a long time member and this is the first post I’ve ever written.. POGO your changes over this past year have thoroughly ruined what was a great site.
My homepage is a mess! Does not look like the video page at all. Stuff is all over. The part that is suppose to be on the right(game challenges for the week) is on the left way below everything else. Hard to find and have to scroll down too far. Awful! How can I fix this?
its sucks, change it back , cant find things, it was fine before, no-one had any problems with it, old saying if it aint broke dont fix it.
I don’t like it….why don’t they leave things alone on here…why do they think change is improvement??
To be honest I dont like it.
i detest the new home page!!!!!! It’s confusing and seems very disorganized looking. Put it back the way it was, why mess with good thing. Before it was easy to find your favorites or general games shopping was easier too be it for badges or the mini mall.
I do not like your “new and improved” homepage at all. I tried to find even one thing that was a true improvement. Maybe larger print is a little better, but not worth the aggrivation of navigating the other changes.