Introducing the New Club Pogo Homepage!

We are excited to announce that Club Pogo has launched a brand-new homepage. Designed with you in mind, the new page is streamlined for ease of use, and modernized for a fresher look.


While the new design is straightforward and should be easy to navigate, we want to call out some of the highlights:


Most Recently Played Games Bar. Placed at the top, this bar allows you to add these games to your “My Favorites” list by simply clicking the little ‘heart’ icon in the upper left corner. Now you can quickly get to your favorites, and add new favorites to latest discoveries!

Bigger Spotlight and News Section! See top Pogo News stories as soon you as visit, and preview Spotlights using the icon bar, or just wait for them to scroll through on their own.

Member’s “My Stuff” on the Middle Left! Find your Mini, your token and gem counts, and other important account information.

Challenge Information on the Right! Find all your current activated challenges and recent badge information

Navigation Tabs! Choose between “Favorites”, “Categories” and “Games A-Z” We’ve added game icons to the “Favorites” tab so you can see the visual representation of those games you like best!

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  • I am not renewing my membership change back plz

  • Your new front page is way to busy. It looks like SOS ( S__t on a shovel ) Pogo paid some to come up with this Pogo should fire them

  • What first grade class did you have DESIGN this for you???? It is STUPID!!!!

  • The new homepage must have been designed by somebody from Big Fish Games – it is terrible! Please bring back the easy-to-navigate old home page.


  • realy don’t like new format.bring back old11

  • Why did you change the homepage??? It was very easy to use and had eye-appeal as well. This one is terrible!!

  • Why do you keep “fixing” things that aren’t broken & ignore all the other glitches? I do not like having to switch between My Favorites & Catagories. Over the 8 years I have been a member. I’ve seen many changes…………….many of them bad. This is one of the worst yet.
    What’s with the pictures of the games at the top, many of which I don’t play anyway?
    Pogo used to be an unique site, now you’re just like every one else. Too redundant, too busy, too much clicking.


  • YECCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • I just want to play my games. Trying to figure out how to get to them.

  • This new home page is so busy you cant find a thing you need now. I truly hate this new setup. The old homepage was just fine what were you guys thinking?

  • This new page SUCKS! Did you actually pay someone to design this for you or did you have to change it because you lost a bet!

  • When my subscription runs out, I will NOT renew. This new format really doesn’t work for me. If it isn’t broke why does it have to be “fixed”?

  • Well by now you know how we all feel, change it back.
    Why do you have to change things that work just fine.
    I hope you will get it back soon or this is my last year with pogo.I am not paying for something I cant use

  • I ALSO HATE THE NEW HOME PAGE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I have fun buying new outfits for my mini….now you can’t even see your mini unless you scroll down…defeats the purpose of having it for your home page or buying anything for it. If nothing else, the mini should be where the daily challenges are or, if on the left, at the top of the page. Hopefully, someone at Pogo is noticing by the comments that the majority does not like the new home page and change it back…….or at least give us the option to do so.

  • This sucks! Put it back!

  • I could not agree more. New page is not user friendly. Had a good thing so why did Pogo try and fix it.


  • This is horrible. I have vision problems and this new layout is harder for me to see. The whole thing is very unattractive and poorly designed. Liked the old one better. Pogo only caters to the Facebook and Phone App people any more.

  • I agree with all the comments here. I can’t find anything like the daily & weekly puzzles. Bring back the old format. Why fix something that isn’t broke?

  • Hate this new page. Where are the daily games are they not playing them anymore? This new page sucks, bring back the old!

  • Everything that is “Personal” about the homepage is now “below the fold” if you understand newspaper reference.

    The first thing I want to see when I log on to My Homepage is My Mini, My Token Total, My Gem Total. I want to be able to see in that first glance how many challenges I have to do, and how many personal challenges that I still has left to choose a badge for. I would like an area for My Mini Mall Closet that can be arranged how I like it. The most recently played games bar should be strictly My Favorite Games, not a hodge podge of games I played for 5 minutes to get a daily badge or tried and really didn’t like. I have read back through the last 18 hours/2000+ comments. This is what I see as being important to me and most of the other 2000 commenters.

    I have been around since dial-up and Pogo was THE reason I got off dial-up. There have a been alot of changes, never have I seen this harsh of a response this fast for anything. I hope you do read these and pay more than lip service to those of us that do despise the new home page enough to consider not renewing.

    This obviously took alot of time and alot of us think this time would have been better spent in improving the actual games and putting them in a window as huge as the stuff on the new home page.

    If this new page is for our benefit how come nothing personal is seen without have to scroll, it all seems like a tiny after thought.

  • another vote here supporting the negative comments about the new Home Page. I don’t mind change – – it just needs to improve things. This change unnecessarily moved things around, didn’t improve anything of importance to the paying users and doesn’t meet some of the basic criteria about good webpage design. Shame on you, Pogo/EA.

  • Terrible. I hate it………hard on eyes and bad layout.
    why should pogo change it is beyond understanding, they should fire who ever dreamed that up.

  • The “new” look is so unorganized in my opinion. Looks like someone at the so-called design department just threw stuff together at the last minute. I’d like to see it back the way it was.

  • i was hopeful when you first mentioned a new page coming but this has to fall into the category of what “what were you thinking”. terrible

  • What month is this? Somehow, pogo thinks it is April Fools Day!!! This new system must be a joke!!!!!!!!!!

  • I do not like the new format. I like to see the listing of all the games. You have to scroll down quite a ways to get to the badges of the week. Can’t we go back to the old homepage? I don’t see that this is an improvement at all.

  • i don’t like the new look either. is there a way to change it back? i hate change and there has been enough change please pogo put it back to the way it was please

  • If this is an attempt to alienate and generally irritate the members of Pogo, you have succeeded. This is by far the worst home page ever devised that I can remember. The people that designed this page must have been intoxicated. There is no other explanation. This page really does bite the big one. Bring the old page back. The old page had better functionality. In other words guys and gals, if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it. Leave it alone.

  • This looks like what would have been the first web page in history. Choppy, unorganized, not user friendly, not appealing to the eye. I have to click more to get to see the list of games. All personal items are lower in the screen and hardly noticeable. I thought the non-member pogo layout was bad – I was going to buy a membership just for a better homepage but not so sure now. This sure was a set back Pogo. Who was the one that signed off on the new layout? Obviously they don’t play Pogo.

  • Wow!!!!was I surprised yesterday when after playing and returned to the home page.Today it seems a little easier to read.Change usually takes a while to be accepted.I do however prefer that my mini be placed to the right .The color is a bit strainous on the eyes.

  • You thought you were fixing it better, but, HEY, “it ain’t better”. What you needed to fix were the games, etc. that will not work properly!!!!! We members complain, but it falls on deaf ears! You could have done things much better, by listening to us, and letting us have our say, about what’s needed, not by messing up what’s perfectly acceptable. I, for one, will be looking for “greener pastures”, if this isn’t put back to how it was, and WITH THE OTHER PROBLEMS REPAIRED!!!!! You want to make money from your customers, but this is definitely not going to accomplish that. Wake up, and listen to the needs of the ones you STILL HAVE!!

    Hoping for our organized and recognizable page back. It worked well for us. I hate the new one!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • You can’t even Sign Out!

  • Is there something I can do to change it back to the old way? I really don’t
    like this new home page. It is not user friendly. The old one was functional.
    This one is annoying.

  • I really tried to give the new home page a go, but frankly it is way to busy. I am not sure if that was ur intent, but it definitely makes it harder to find things. Sometimes improvements are don’t work as well as we hoped. So please go back to the original format. Many Thanks

  • I hatge the new home page it is very confusing, please go back to the old one. I might even think about not renewing if it stays like this.

  • I totally agree with everyone else on this “Homepage” not to mention other Changes you have made. I cannot even play on IE anymore, no more Double Browsing to get my Badges!! I have tried everything under the sun to get IE to work, to NO avail! I’m sure it is on your (Pogo) end, I have heard too many other people say the same.

  • I agree – the new page is bad. You have to scroll down to find the daily and weekly challenges – first time I saw it I had a hard time finding anything. NOT A GOOD CHANGE.

  • I hate the new page……………..get back the old one.

  • Yeah, I still hate the new homepage!! You should have listened to us about the game that needs to be fixed not the new layouts! You really need a wake up call and fixed it back as soon as you see this!

    Oh yeah, She should be FIRED by designed on this site! Yuck! Too much white and other things looks clutter and it’s looks like a 3-5 years old..What a little kid!

    You should be ashamed of yourself by doing this crap!

  • WAY TOO CONFUSING. My brain is trained to look at the challenges on the left and it feels very uncomfortable to look to the right, too much strain to see them there. Plus I choose the favorites list for game challenges I’m playing and it is TOO BIG, too much scrolling. Although I can still use the list on the second page, at least it is still the same. I just don’t see user-friendly at all in this redesign. You all messed up big time and now your will feel it in the bottom line, I have a feeling. So much for progress, POGO. Fix your games that need to be fixed first!!!!!!!!

  • I also do not like the new format. Please bring back the old one.

  • Pogo I don’t like your attitude. Period. I am not going to pay for games I already have paid for. I will not be renewing my subscription in the spring. You have distanced yourself from the members when you made it impossible to get tech help. I have been with you since 2000 and watched the first person become a club member. Since then I have seen you take away and take away. We are not all brain dead as you may think and the comments proves it.

    • Spot on correct Carol. It’s all about the money and not the members. Were you or any other Club Pogo members asked for your input? I wasn’t nor do I remember any postings from Pogo soliciting members input into this.

  • I do not like it. I am not renewing my membership. You took the fun out of these games Thanks alot pogo

  • The point of paying for pogo is so you don’t have to see deal with all the advertisements. I want to see my stuff just like it was before on TOP of the page. That is ugly- hard to navigate through and simply confusing. I will happily let my subscription expire next month is something isn’t done to fix this.

    • I’m quite capable of dealing with change; however, this change is awful! I preferred my mini to show without scrolling down! What is that huge ‘favorites’ box in the middle of the page? As far as functional/attractive design-total failure. The brightness appears harsh. I’ve had enough of useless changes. It will not revert back to the old format, no matter what the reaction is. But at least members got a chance to voice their feelings. Why all the ads on the page, now? I’m rethinking renewal, also. Very sad….

  • After 13yrs of playing on pogo I am considering not renewing. This site has turn to crap with nothing but problems anymore. You change things that don’t need changed and ignore the real issues with the site. All EA(who owns pogo now) thinks about is making money and nothing more.

  • It’s worse than horrible. It is definitely not nicer-looking or easier to navigate. There were so many things that could have been done to make Pogo better. This was not one of them. “If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it!”

  • Everything works fine with the new layout – Good Job!

  • the new format is very confusing. hard to navigate.