We are excited to announce that Club Pogo has launched a brand-new homepage. Designed with you in mind, the new page is streamlined for ease of use, and modernized for a fresher look.
While the new design is straightforward and should be easy to navigate, we want to call out some of the highlights:
Most Recently Played Games Bar. Placed at the top, this bar allows you to add these games to your “My Favorites” list by simply clicking the little ‘heart’ icon in the upper left corner. Now you can quickly get to your favorites, and add new favorites to latest discoveries!
Bigger Spotlight and News Section! See top Pogo News stories as soon you as visit, and preview Spotlights using the icon bar, or just wait for them to scroll through on their own.
Member’s “My Stuff” on the Middle Left! Find your Mini, your token and gem counts, and other important account information.
Challenge Information on the Right! Find all your current activated challenges and recent badge information
Navigation Tabs! Choose between “Favorites”, “Categories” and “Games A-Z” We’ve added game icons to the “Favorites” tab so you can see the visual representation of those games you like best!
Your new homepage is absolutely ridiculous !!!! I will begin to research an alternative to Club Pogo (there’s plenty out there) and will definitely not renew my 9 year old membership.
I HATE IT!!!!!!!!!!
Bring back the old page.
Where are the daily and weekly specials?
Since my membership is up for renewal soon I just might cancel.
I agree with all the comments about how bad this new homepage is. I just recently accepted an invitation to try Club Pogo for 2 weeks. When I got online to play today, I thought my trial period had somehow been screwed up and I had only gotten a 5 day pass. That’s how close to the free page this new format is. Everyone who recommended Pogo to me is disgusted with this change too. I won’t be purchasing a full membership if there is really no difference except the ability to earn badges. I hated the free homepage; it looked junky and was confusing to navigate. Now you’ve done it to the Club page too!
I must agree I like the old one better. This one has too much dead space at the bottom and is confusing.
I wish it gave us the opportunity to move parts of the homepage where we want them, not where Pogo thinks we want them or be able to remove a part completely. (my one free email account let’s me do that and I like it).
It would not be bad if the My Stuff was at the top (where it was before) and move Latest News down. Then I could almost live with it.
I’m sorry to pile on, but the homepage really is horrible. I waited a day to respond, trying to be fair and give it some time. But, truly, why do you keep trying to fix things that aren’t broken? I still can’t stand the new Friends page – changed from a very usable one-page format without adding anything really helpful like a comment/notes section to help us organize our friends.
Back to this home page – to me, it seems the point of it all from your perspective is to get your users to check out all the “news.” However, I wonder why I even pay for the Club anymore. This page looks like a generic Pogo page before sign-in. It used to always feel like it was MY little homepage, with my mini prominent near the top. Now it is like the “me” is gone from this page. I don’t even see my mini without paging down.
If you wanted to be sure to get people to check out the Pogo News more often, all you had to do was add a “Visit News – get Tokens daily!” option and I think you would have seen a big difference for a very minor revision.
Please change it back – it feels sterilized. Some are complaining it is like FB. I do not use FB and have long lamented Pogo-FB connection. So, I will add that anything that makes it more like FB is absolutely not going to appeal to me.
Please — I understand alot of money and time went into this project probably. However, a mistake is a mistake. Better to accept it and move on asap.
Please go back to the way it was. You think your improving it your not you are making things worse and it makes my pc freeze up . THIS WILL BE THE LAST YEAR FOR ME!!!!
I believe Pogo is no longer interested in their members, this so call new page is stupid, give me the old one back, that is why I play in Gamesville . com more now and I even win cash there 6 times this year Thank you POGO for steering me away from your con site.
Designed with me in mind? I don’t think so!! The new home page is HIDEOUS, CONFUSING, AWKWARD, … Get the point? Listen to your members!!! I may not renew.
this is the worst page yet. terrible on the eyes, mine are bad enough. did a 2 year old design this. please leave things alone until you find proper help.
Wow Pogo! There is a lot of dislike for this change. I thought you already asked the pogo members what they thought of it before the change. Well, it is what it is but it seems wise to read the suggestions that are given here to make “actual” improvements for the customer majority. I was reading through these comments to find positive feedback on this change and could not find one. Is there a separate page for the positive comments?
Here are my thoughts… I like the idea of adding color. I DO think that the page looks messier and it makes me want to leave the homepage quickly. Maybe it will take me a little while to get used to it. Life is about change and it may not be so bad once I get used to it. I have always loved Pogo because they have simple, fun games which help me exercise my mind. THESE are the reasons I enjoy Pogo. If Pogo changes the look of the pages, I suppose it really doesn’t matter. I come to play the GAMES. Now, if the games do not work properly, it creates problems for me but they usually fix the issues eventually. Sometimes changing browsers helps until they fix it or an upgrade is in order.
I really appreciate Pogo. Perhaps the suggestions will help improve the pages. Maybe this is the type of feedback that Pogo was needing so that it shakes everyone to actually make their suggestions. If that is the case, THUMBS UP POGO. Here is your feedback. :)
I hate it. I want the old page back.
I hate the home page it really sucks. I know of several people that have stopped playing POGO over the last few months due to the new game sites and probably now the home page. Put the daily and weekly challenges back on the left side where they belong. I used to play all day and all weekend and with the new game format I play the daily and weekly’s and that is all.
Why the hell would you change your page to look like this?
Who were these people that wanted the home page changed so badly? Because to me it doesn’t sound like it was your customers.
Do you even listen to your Club Pogo members? There’s quite a few speaking out about the changes.
This page is ugly.
I know others have already said it, but DON’T FIX WHAT’S NOT BROKEN POGO!!!
There was NO NEED for a new homepage.
Did you make this homepage just to get everyone more active and riled up to comment like this or something?
Because your members are very unhappy with this change.
I know I am.
Oh, and the reason i’m typing like this is hopefully you’ll actually see this, but probably not because you’re too busy changing more things to look like crap.
I thought it was a joke when I clicked on home page three different times! This is really awful and I personally feel that it needs to go back to the old way. I am so confused and feel like I am backwards! Absolutely vote that it SUCKS!!!!!!!!!
When are they going to make the game boards BIGGER?
It’s awful..all jumbled and confusing…Mini is half hidden ..It looks crappy to me.
I’m with many of the others why screw with something that did work fine. Time would better be spent fixing all the games that don’t work right. well by the looks of the new home page you couldn’t spent more then 10 minuets on it.
We know you don’t care about your customers opinion,so why bother putting up a comment section for feedback.
But johnlem comment says it all.you try to “improve”pogo BUT your making it a mess(the polities thing I could write or I would definitely get banned ) So high five to the genius who came up with this idea to “improve” on making Pogo a worse place to be.it looks like a kindergarten designed the homepage,And as far as everything else well that stinks also.the game pages itself looks pathetic.You can’t choose a different game without having to go back to the homepage to look at the list unlike before,when it was all printed out on the side of the game page itself when you wanted to change a game.can’t believe we pay 40 bucks a year fir this BS.don’t think I will be spending 40 bucks on this mess when it’s time to renew,Not worth the hassle
Sorry, I hate it. I will not be staying on if this stays the way it is. It sucks. I hate it. Put it back the way it was. Why change something that there was nothing wrong with? I want the old page back. Bye bye POGO!!!
Change it back or I will not renew. Why not ask us who “pay for Pogo” if we want a change. You guys are “goin down” if you continue the stupid changes you impose!!
Confusing, and not well thought of when coming up with a new design for the home page. Why would you want to make it harder for people to find what they are looking for? People come here to have fun. We pay yearly for a membership and was not given a preview to vote on if we liked the new design or not.
I vehemently dislike the format of the new Homepage. It’s just terrible on the eyes and not at all user friendly. Stop screwing around with things that aren’t broken and focus your efforts on the real issues like a severe lack of customer service, games that frequently don’t work, a major lack of an ability to organize our mini closets, etc., etc.
I absolutely HATE this new home page!!! Go back to the way it was. Nothing at all wrong with the old one. Don’t mess with a good thing!!!
I’ve been away for a week, and turned Pogo on this morning. (took me close to an hour to read all the negatives)…When I saw the new homepage, I didn’t realize it was a new homepage. I checked my account to see if it had run out….nope…so I went back to the homepage and tried to navigate. What a mess! Pogo, you have seen possibly two ayes, and gazillion “NAYS”….please change it back. Let’s hope whoever is responsible is not of this Administration’s mentality. “My way or the highway” Not meant to offend anyone…just stating a fact. Let’s see what Pogo does.
I hate it too. It wasn’t broke, so why mess with it. For people with not the greatest eyesight anymore, the LONG list of games is very tough. Before they were broke up into categories, with just a few games listed. Much easier on the eyes & much easier to find the game you were looking for. Bring back the old page, or atleast give us the option of the old(better) or the new (horrible) page. Pogo has really gone to the pot in the past several years, ever since EA took it over. For the $40 a year, we should get what we want…not what POGO wants. I used to really enjoy playing, a way to de-stress and unwind….but it just stresses you more most of the time.
It took 4 times to leave my comment…kept getting an error message. TYPICAL POGO!!!!
Oh; I finally found he daily and weekly specials on the right side.
Well I am visually impaired and now that they are on the right I have to kep adjusting and eadjusting my screen in order to find them and then to play the game. This will not work at all for me or for anyone else using an enlarged screen.
Sorry Cannot find anything. Daily challenges, weekly badges, friends list telling us where friends are right now, when just coming online. I am with many others, we pay to enjoy games and friends not to study for hours to find where POGO has hidden it now.
And by the way, why do very few of our games work properly. The clues and puzzle games never work properly. Most are slow and do not advance anymore. Very frustrating! I use to love POGO. What happened, POGO?
not liking it, POGO ~ it looks like a “second page” of a site – so confusing and just looks cheesy. booo. :( why did you change it when it was working before??
Nice TRY!!!! Not working. Confusing and disorganized. Need the old page. Why fix something if it’s not broken.
I hate it! Why not work on giving us the option of enlarging games full screen? Homepage looks un
organized…NO LIKE!
This was a bad idea. Can not find what I want as well as I could the old one. I think you can tell none of us like it so please change it back. This is rediculous. Bad Bad Bad idea!!
i HATE the ‘new’ homepage as well! I thought I had to sign in when i first came in to pogo lol. So i too will not renew come Jan. So POGO put the old homepage back nothing was wrong with it!!
I just spent the last hour or so reading all the comments reference the new home page. Now I ask only one thing of all the members posting. No one is crazy, stupid or child like because they like the new format. No one is crazy, stupid or child like because they hate the new format. What is crazy, stupid and child like is putting someone down because they do not agree with your posting. Pogo friends do not do that to each other. We may agree to disagree, just do it with respect and consideration of others feelings. Have a great day and always stay safe out there.
this is absolutely horrible, why fix something that was working? Hate it!! Very confusing to say the least.
What you think is better is not what the players think, did it ever cross your mind to thow it out there for us to vote on about changing the pogo page.
Fire your Web page designer he/she sucks. Get some one with some imagination and taste
i am so sick of this home page, I cannot even see my mini! you have your ads right in the middle and we pay you for these games, so why don’t you allow the people who hate this homepage, go back to the old one. so sick of pogo, gaming problems, booted out of rooms, really … the customer is sometimes right
I hate it. If you must do this please give those who don’t like it to change their screen back to the way it was. There is nothing about the changes that makes it easier to use or looks better. Very inconvenient. I will definately consider not renewing my membership. Please take a look at all the comments we the customers have left. Thank you.
Good morning. Are you tired of reading the complaints yet? This is really bad. The top of the badge should not be your self-serving ads – especially when they include ones for another web site link. The top should be my mini, and the current badges. I don’t want to open the page and have to scroll all the way to the bottom (it’s bad on the friends page, too). No reason to make “My favorites” so huge. Wasted space on all sides. Very bad design all the way around.
do not like it!!!
Don’t like it at all; Too confusing. I liked the old home page, very user friendly. Oh well, I’m about Pogo’d out anyway. Can always find another site to spend my money at!
This is about what to expect from a business getting too big. Not caring what the majority wants…Push your money makers. We think it is too busy…we think we like the Avatars more prominent when you open, not having to scroll to greet you in the morning.’-)..they are missing the point …,and just trying to sell, sell , sell til they make us sick of it, but we will be replaced by new customers, so they really do not care.
i cant even find the weekly badges it sucks
I really don’t like the new home page at all. From reading the other comments, not too many other people do too. Maybe you should follow their advise and change it back. With this, and all the other problems the pogo site has been having lately, it has me thinking if I really want to renew my membership or not.
I do not like the new home page, too long, too confusing, the old way was much better, don’t know whose idea this was, but it is a bad idea. Is all this worth losing customers, and or making them mad and upset, not good busines
This is progress? If the current list of comments is accurately representative of how your overall membership feels, I think what you have done is called a ‘bad business decision’.
I don’t like it either. In the last 30 days, half of the games won’t load or they freeze. You need to fix what you already have and stop trying to change what works!
very confusing for older players I will not be resubsribing also.
New format .SUCKS.Please return to old format…