Introducing the New Club Pogo Homepage!

We are excited to announce that Club Pogo has launched a brand-new homepage. Designed with you in mind, the new page is streamlined for ease of use, and modernized for a fresher look.


While the new design is straightforward and should be easy to navigate, we want to call out some of the highlights:


Most Recently Played Games Bar. Placed at the top, this bar allows you to add these games to your “My Favorites” list by simply clicking the little ‘heart’ icon in the upper left corner. Now you can quickly get to your favorites, and add new favorites to latest discoveries!

Bigger Spotlight and News Section! See top Pogo News stories as soon you as visit, and preview Spotlights using the icon bar, or just wait for them to scroll through on their own.

Member’s “My Stuff” on the Middle Left! Find your Mini, your token and gem counts, and other important account information.

Challenge Information on the Right! Find all your current activated challenges and recent badge information

Navigation Tabs! Choose between “Favorites”, “Categories” and “Games A-Z” We’ve added game icons to the “Favorites” tab so you can see the visual representation of those games you like best!

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  • HORRIBLE. And I just renewed on the weekend. BAD MISTAKE.

  • Logged on today to see if the page had been changed back….no such luck…ARE YOU LISTENING TO ALL THESE POSTS POGO EXECUTIVES? WE DON’T LIKE THIS NEW PAGE. BRING BACK THE OLD ONE.

  • Who ever said more stuff is better….this new home page is awful….please bring back the simple and friendly old home page. This is a nightmare!!

  • If WE pay for this, shouldn’t WE have a say in how it should look?! No one can just LEAVE THINGS ALONE! And WHY CAN’T I PLAY ON MY REGULAR EXPLORER?! I DON’T WANT to upgrade because I DON’T LIKE CHANGE! I think I’ll save my $ and spend it on something else from now on that I can decide on….

  • Well once again we something stupid shoved down our throats.The new home page is a disaster. We can complain but why bother, there is no one listening.

  • New home page is poorly layed out. Nothing was broken with the old one. Instead of fixing what is not broken why not fix the game that freeze and fail to load?

  • I hate that my mini is now almost out of sight unless I scroll down!! Am I that unimportant that she is not the first thing I see when I open up POGO? I agree with many of the comments that we should have a little say in the the new format. As always I feel that our opinions are not respected.

  • I am not happy with this change….I find it to confusing. I am rethinking my renewal!

  • does anyone in here think for one moment that anyone in pogo is going to listen to any thing we ( members) say? No one is,,no one,,,,once its on here,thats it,,they don’t do things with us in mind…or tomorrow, we’d all be back like it was,,,,like with the chat,,,you can play the games or chat or even see chat or whos in the room,,,now it’s all messed up, no one cares what the members care about or what we think,,,,,,save your energe, no one in pogo really cares what we like or don’t like,,,,,,,you’ve got it ,,and thats that,,no matter how many members complain,,they won’t be putting it back the way we want it,,,,we all want the old page back but that won’t mean someone would have to admit they made a mistake,,,thats not going to happen,,,,,

  • I don’t like this new homepage. The old one was much nicer and easier to find things. Put it back the way it was POGO!!!! We don’t like the changes!!!!!

  • This page really sucks! Evidently membership input was not requested, was it outsourced?

  • Im surprised with all the negative comments..i actually LOVE the new layout..its person commented that they hate they can only see their mini from the shoulders up on the homepage..thats weird..i see my whole mini..maybe im not seeing what all the negative comment people are seeing..i love it..keep it this how the games i last played are at the top..just the whole format is awesome..KEEP IN MIND PEOPLE..when facebook changed its format to the Timeline everyone hated they dont..its just the fact people are set on old ways and dont open up for change..give it time you will adapt and soon love ..LOVE YOU POGO..KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK!

  • i pay to play games not to get confused finding them

  • WOW! REALLY? THIS IS WHAT YOU PEOPLE CALL A “NEW” Home Page? It is awful. I thought something was wrong with my computer! Please bring back the old and get rid of the new. After all without us members you won’t have any Home Page!!!!!!!!

  • Horrible! Certainly not “user friendly!” Old format was waaaaaaaaay better. If it ain’t broke, no need to fix it, POGO!!!!!!!!!

  • I’m not crazy about the new homepage format either, but it certainly isn’t as horrible as folks make it seem. In the grand scheme of things in life to become upset over, the new homepage should fall pretty low on the scale. It really doesn’t require any huge investment of time to become familiar with the layout. Let’s all step back, take a breath, and give it a chance before we condemn it as a failure and complete disaster.

  • Not a fan of the new home page….just saying…

  • I truly do not like it either. Like someone else said – if I wanted a site to look like Facebook I would go there. And since I detest Facebook with a passion you can imagine how I feel about the new homepage. I won’t be renewing my membership this time and I won’t be spending anymore money on buying gems. Too bad I bought some just before the new page went up! Oh well, time to find another site to play and spend my money on.

  • why couldnT you just leave well enough alone i hate this there was nothing wrong with it the way it was now i cant even find half the games when my membership runs out i wont be back very dissapointed!!!!

  • Please change the homepage back to the old layout! This new layout is horrible!!!!!!!

  • Scrap the new homepage.

  • hate this new page. Please put it back. it is horrible and old one just fine and easy to use.

  • This new home page is not only confusing it is somewhat offensive! New is not always better. Give us back the old Home page this one SUKS!!!

  • Definately do NOT like it. TERRIBLE !!!!!!!!

  • I will not be renewing my account. Pogo need to fix’s are going to start losing money. Some love this new look, but look like there more hate the new pogo. I’m not set in my old ways!

  • Hate it!! Change it back! Listen to your players, Pogo!

  • Pogo read all these comments! Folks don’t like the new format. I want the old one back too! And please bring back the option to buy club pogo as a gift for 6 months, some of us have $20 gift limits per person! Times are tough.

  • I do not like the new home page i want the old one back

  • Hate it. Too cluttered and confusing. Bring back the old home page.

  • I happen to agree I Do Not like the new page it seems like it is unfinished! It is very hard on the eyes! Way too much white not user friendly at all especially when you spend a great deal of time here. Why isn’t there a choice button to use the older version? The new page is not welcoming at all either, I recommended this site to 2 people not knowing it was changing and they didn’t have anything nice to say about it! I would only hope someone has been designated to read the feedback and will heed what all of us are saying! Give Us Back Our POGO! Thanks

  • This is the worst idea yet. Why try and fix what isn’t broke. Your embedded games are hard to get into half the time, or seriouly lag, what makes you think this new format is gonna work. I WILL NOT RENEW this coming year, You probably just “upgraded” yourself out of a job.

  • I do NOT like this new changes to the home page!!!!!
    Change it back Pogo, PLEASE.


  • I have to agree with everyone. I do not like this either. What are you going to do Pogo if your members are going to start cancelling their membership. Leave well enough alone. Left facebook for this very reason. If it is not broken do not try to fix it. It never works. Don’t think I will renew. Will miss it but it is not worth all the headaches Pogo is giving us with all these changes.

    We pay for this site. Without its members where would Pogo be?

  • Do you hear all your players POGO????? NO ONE LIKES IT!!! DITCH IT OR LOSE $$$$$$$$ I have only been a member just under a year and what a headache it’s been! Renewal in 2 weeks, not sure I’ll be back if this is the way you treat your loyal members! Leave well enough alone!!!

  • For a week, I thought it was my computer messing up. I did everything to try to correct this generic, often scary website. I couldn’t play some games. The old format was easy to navigate, unless you were a moron; sometimes, the home page was downright beautiful. This time, no turkeys, and I s’pose we can expect no Christmas stuff, either. Oh, I get it. There must be a bunch of Muslims running this site now. Bummer. I probably won’t quit Pogo, but I sure don’t spend hours and hours on it as I did before. I miss you.

  • I hate the new home page

  • I agree with everyone the new home page is very confusing & don’t like it .It also comes on way to large takes up my whole screen CHANGE it back .PLEASE……….

  • Please Please bring back the old page.

  • I also don’t like it!!

  • well this sucks , why dont you leave things alone??????????????????

  • Hate the new look. Sucks big time. Try fixing the games that don’t work instead of messing with the one thing that works.


  • this new format SUCKS……

  • Pogo sometimes you go too far, sounds like most of us liked the previous homepage the best. The new layout sucks, I thought there was something wrong with computer when I saw the new layout. I would really like Pogo to stop trying to make the homepage look better, we all seem to like the original layout.

  • Hate it, hate it, hate it.. and oh.. did I mention that I HATE IT !!!!!!!

  • P.S. You would hope with all this negative feedback they are smart enough to switch it back

  • If so many are against this new homepage why don’t you just go back to the way it was. This page is too confusing for one thing and spread all over the place. It’s too big and I along with all these other members don’t like it. All your changes suck lately.

  • Let me see if I can produce a list of words describing the new homepage:

    01. pointless
    02. unimaginative
    03. arrogant
    04. obtuse
    05. moronic
    06. assinine
    07. inane
    08. unimpressive
    09. unnecessary
    10. feckless
    11. surreptitous
    12. bewildering
    13. questionable
    14. stupid
    15. clueless
    16. bewildering
    C’mon Pogo, please get a clue!!!

  • Well pogo it looks like you screwed this up and big…well done pogo to take something simple and make it confusing!!!!