We are excited to announce that Club Pogo has launched a brand-new homepage. Designed with you in mind, the new page is streamlined for ease of use, and modernized for a fresher look.
While the new design is straightforward and should be easy to navigate, we want to call out some of the highlights:
Most Recently Played Games Bar. Placed at the top, this bar allows you to add these games to your “My Favorites” list by simply clicking the little ‘heart’ icon in the upper left corner. Now you can quickly get to your favorites, and add new favorites to latest discoveries!
Bigger Spotlight and News Section! See top Pogo News stories as soon you as visit, and preview Spotlights using the icon bar, or just wait for them to scroll through on their own.
Member’s “My Stuff” on the Middle Left! Find your Mini, your token and gem counts, and other important account information.
Challenge Information on the Right! Find all your current activated challenges and recent badge information
Navigation Tabs! Choose between “Favorites”, “Categories” and “Games A-Z” We’ve added game icons to the “Favorites” tab so you can see the visual representation of those games you like best!
I do not like the new home page,wish you would go back to old one,thanks
After 9 years of playing Pogo, this is the first time i have ever made any comment on your home page. And like so many, it is very confusing to say the least. Please go back to the previous home page. PLEASE
Have you ever heard the expression “If it works, don’t fix it”?? What were you thinking. I think this new format is a FAIL! Apparently, I am not alone. It looks like its almost unanimous. Change it back. PLEASE!!
I sure am not seeing any likes on the new format and I too hate it…mine changed before my hubby’s did and I thought something was wrong with mine!!! Spoke too quick as his also changed today and he hates it too…says after us paying for 8 years to be members if it continues we will not renew and we realize we are only two people but according to reviews from others seems pogo will lose more than just us! I think they should ask players their opinions before they just presume we will like changes…after all we are paying for what we get! If the old one is not back we will be saying goodbye pogo after the first of the year and renewal time…after all there are several other free game sites to entertain folks!!!
Does anyone like this new look? I dont think so! CHANGE IT BACK!!!!!
Please,please change it back,please.Please give us back our HomePage.
where is the DISLIKE button!? I’m not renewing. how about more prizes like mugs, umbrellas, pens, pencils or mousepads instead of messing up :?
I don’t like it. I generally play a couple of Daily Challenges and an occasional weekly badge – but I couldn’t even bring up the Daily Challenge I wanted today, the game (Hog Heaven)didn’t seem to recognize that it was supposed to have one. Not impressed with the changes, and add my voice to those who don’t care for the stark white background. I\ll be watching to see how user feedback affects this. I really DO expect to be heard when I am paying for a service, rather than using something free.
Are you listening Pogo? Fire the clown that dreamed up this mess and give us back what we want. Remember, THE CUSTOMER IS ALWAYS RIGHT!!!!!!!!!!
Ive been on since o3 and this is the worst new pogo change i have ever seen. To think I just renewed my 40.00 pogo membership. diffently If i knew, i would of went somewhere else. There are many more choices nowadays. pogo has always been my favorite. but this change is to confusing and not even conceptable.. please fix it. It REALLY suxs!!
This new homepage looks more like a huge commercial than anything personal for the owner of the account. Didn’t pay for commercials! Please switch it back and soon!! Definitely will not renew again if this is the direction that Pogo is heading.
Don’t break what wasn’t broken!
Why fix something if it’s not broken. i don’t like the new page. There are times when u need to leave well enough alone. I really would like to see changes in the mini mall. Like new clothing. Hair. Pets, stuff like that.
Also, new differnt badges, less gems to get anything.Same o, same o, boring.
don`t like it,, Hey POGO , I`m a paying customer ,, so how come I cant play some games??? When I choose one ,, and a room ,, it reads that I`m currently playing that game ,, and I`M NOT !! Might have to cancel my subscription…
New home page is HORRIBLE…sooooooo sorry that I recently renewed my subscription! Won’t happen next year! Can’t believe we are paying for this CRAP!!
Users don’t usually like change and it takes time for acceptance. However, I agree with the consenus, I do not care for the new page. It runs slow on my computer. It is not
“user friendly.” I have to scroll to find what I typically want. Please release the old page. Please lisen to us.
The new home page is terrible. It’s very confusing. Why would you make it harder to navigate? Look at how many people don’t like it. You have to click a tab to see you favorites, then click again to see all the games. That’s just one of the things that are bad. It STINKS!!..Please put it back.
I am excited to declare YOU ARE A BUNCH OF IDIOTS. Did the players (the people who pay your salary) request a new format? In the many games I play, the subject of a new homepage has Never come up. Believe me, if no one liked the old format it would have been snivelled and whined about. Put it back ……THE NEW HOMEPAGE SUCKS…….
I think this is the worst change since the embedded games came out, which I also find bad. I joined Club Pogo to not have advertisements and intermissions. I don’t like all the little boxes that pop up all over this new page Pogo messaged us about for days… What a total disappointment I’ve had since being a member.
The new Home Page is the worse looking piece of designing crap that I have ever seen. Can not find anything and am totally confused. Switch it back to the old page – it was easier on the eyes & players.
Someone need to smack the moron who designed this piece of crap in the back of the head & tell them to WAKE UP!! You just made the new one look like the Free Pogo – so what exactly amd I paying for = at the POINT A LOAD OF CRAP!!! Change it back ASAP! – or your financial bottom line might not look to good soon = a lot of people are deciding to leave Club Pogo over this! And believe me, Club Pogo Members pay some bucks to EA Corp. – I just renewed, but just might be cancelling soon. Loyal customers are hard to find – start treating us right. I just payed for something that I can hardly read & giving me a headache (all that WHITE – horrible for migraine sufferers)
Pogo, if you truly care about what your paying customers think, you should do what all of these posters are asking. Bring back the old homepage. Please. This new design is cluttered and quite annoying. This was clearly designed by someone who does not play on this site very often. How about asking what your paying customers think before you implement a change like this?
oyu seem to think if u change something it’s good this really looks cheep and trashy go back to the way it was listen to the people who pay to play or you won’t have to worry about it
W W W . G A M E S V I L L E . C O M
The new home page blows. Pogo needs to re-evaluate the actual benefit brought to the company by the supposed geniuses that thought up this craptacular idea. Just because someone has an idea, it does NOT always mean it is a good one. This is a perfect example of that. The new home page sucks. The format is a mess, it is cluttered looking and really hard to get to anything. It isn’t simply a matter of getting used to it either. Previously, my favorite games were listed on the top of the page and the rest of the games were listed in intelligently constructed categories. Now some moron thinks that A-Z order is somehow better? Are you all imbeciles? There are a lot of games that I like to play but don’t remember the exact names of them. I may know that they are a poker game or a slot game, but I don’t know the name. Now I won’t find them at all. This has turned a fun site into a colossal waste of time and money. Pogo you are going to alienate a vast majority of your subscribers if you in your infinite stubbornness choose to back the bozos that concocted this mess of a home page disaster instead of putting your loyalties in the appropriate place which is with your subscribers and nowhere else. Wise up and fix this train wreck. You can still save face by graciously allowing the idiots responsible for this new home page mess to remain employed with you. I am sure that they would have an easier time fetching coffee for the real brains of your operation, and manage to tick off a lot less of your subscribers in the process.
OHhhhhhhh I GET IT,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Your trying to attract the younger Gang Buster Dippy ALLALAPOOSA generation double XX Duty YYZZZ with that high tech Nintendo PlayStation XboXxxx Now PoW Zowey WoW WoW Look. Only,,,,it’s more like going to a grocery store like Kroger just to find they switched all the stuff around in different isles,,,,,,,,,,AGAIN ! !,,,,,,,,,,,,,,You Guys are WORSE THAN CONGRESS. So on behalf of the some 90% of OLD PEOPLE who are your customer base, Good luck with that. ,,,,,,,,,there must be a kinder gentler game sight somewhere,,,,,,,think I’ll LOOK,,,,,,,this poor old granny’s gettin tired,,,,,,,,,,just a knockin on Heaven’s door,,,
Just ain’t gonna be long before the reaper comes for this poor old granny’s baggy britches,,,,,
helpless,,,,,,Might as well just let old Duke start chewin on my old rikkity bones. Don’t worry about me
I don’t like the new format. Why was the home page changed?
Dear God, why do people insist on fixing things that aren’t broken. This new home page looks like a 3 year old put it together. What were you thinking Pogo? Thinking this may be my last year as a member.
WOW just tried to post this and got this message “You are posting comments too quickly. Slow down.”
One comment is too quick for your new look? No one liked the changes to Facebook, why would you do this?
I absolutely hate the new homepage. Please bring back the old. I do not understand why you had to ruin the page that was just fine. Find something else to do with your time instead of messing up what we all like.
I hate all the changes over the past year, scroll down to see a 2×1 inch mini, people spend a lot of money doing their mini’s only to have it nearly disappear, as for your friends page?? another disaster, 200 friends used to fit on one page now it takes 4 pages, who wants huge mini heads filling the page?? and it tells me 7 friends are online and when I check the mini heads there are 2 or 3 online, and half the time the mini head isn’t whats on friends page, sick and tired of all the changes and issues on pogo, including embedded games.
I very seldom come on here now so no more membership money from me, email me if you admit you’ve made a mistake and you put pogo back the way it was a year ago.
Total rubbish. Looks tacky, cheap and nasty. Very cluttered and messy.
Dont know who designed the page, and I dont really care, but it’s crap. The designer was obviuosly having a bad hair day.
You lost me Pogo…THUMBS DOWN!!
I dont like the new homepage at all!! Please bring the old homepage back!!!!! The print on the favorites list is way to large taking up to much space that could be put to better use. Also whats the deal with flipping the mini and challenges around? That doesnt make any sense to just flip from one side of the screen to the next, its not anything new just annoying!! Like the old way much better. Also the Pogo mini box/view on the new homepage is much smaller, hate it! I thought the other one was small but this one is just unreal!!!! I spend a great deal of time making my mini look like a fashionista I want at least be able to see it with out squinting. Puuuuhleease Pogo people, what are you doing?!?!?!
I totally agree with everyone the new homepage really is another horrible change that pogo has made and was once again a change from something that was perfect to something that really sucks I dont understand why pogo has gone and made all this changes from the very perfect site and page they had to something that is horrible and this recent change of the homepage has been the most horrible change yet my 69 year old mom who was a big pogo fan and played pogo 95% of the day everyday has been so upset over all the changes but still kept her club pogo and dealt with the horrible changes pogo has made to something that was not broken and the first place but this horrible change made my mom cry and now she can no longer play pogo and will not renew her club pogo come dec 3. Why pogo started making horrible changes to their site that was a perfect site in the first place I will never understand
Why did you do this? I would rather see the energy & resources go into making the games more interesting. Like Thousand Island after rank 30.
You guys need to learn…”If it aint broke, don’t fix it.” I’m tired of you trying to fix a game site that is working well for all of us. Maybe you need to get rid of a few employees…I don’t think they have enough to do! Anyway, this will probably be my last year paying for something I don’t like anymore. I’m with the guy who said he was going to look around for another game site. Besides never have won anything on your site since I started playing on it about 5 or 6 years ago, well, except for some dumb wall paper! Thanks Pogo!!
Hate this it sucks Im glad that I belong to other game sites and my renew membership is the the 15th od Dec are u kidding
i really don’t like the new page. please change it back as soon as possible. thank you.
hste hate hate the new layout…makes old eyes hurt and much harder to find
things you want..change it back..as much as we pay, you should take a poll
before you start changing everything
Don’t like it! Any redesign should improve your functionality, movement and enhance the users playability. This design does not do that at all.
You say it was designed with the player/user in mind – NO WAY! Just the opposite.
Moving the challenges to the right serves no useful purpose – actually causes more issues, adding last game played to the top is of no use to me – just adds clutter, and now the primary center section is for pogo NOT the player – something I don’t reference every day. I will now have to scroll every time to my stuff – those things that I use every day. I liked my stuff to be prominent. I new immediately if I had a message, gifts, my gem count, current mini, icon and list of my favorite games I play on a regular basis. These are things I use and change on a daily basis.
Why add icons to my favorites list? What was a nice clean simple list – is now a nightmare. And I certainly don’t need a listing at the top of the last game I played.
I see this change as not useful – more of a hindrance, and a major move backward. The addition of stealth mode is an example of a well needed and long overdue improvement. Pogo would be better served not to change something that wasn’t broken and fix/test those things that are and/or add functionality that is really overdue.
POGO WAKE UP! Not one positive comment out here.
I think its to confusing I liked the old format better. Why change it now!!!
What have you done? I hate it.
hate it
Sorry, but I must agree this new format stinks!!!
Who many people did it take to mess up the homepage? It is awful!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I hate it.
It looks like we all agree. The new homepage is horrible. Please bring back the old one. This new one is a joke.
I tried to get in and it kept putting up a page that I had to buy gems. I think I’m paying enough for membership without buying gems
I have been with Pogo since you started under 4 different user names.
I liked Pogo so much better when you had the game drawings up to $4999.00. Now that was changed with crap like cash prizes $200.00 or less, dumb Pogo caps, t-shirt and mug prizes.
I would not have minded if you increased the membership fees a little at a time because I know you have overhead to run this program.
Then you came up with those Gems you have to buy with real cash. Also Pogo has taken longer to load and has more server problems and now your worst yet, a new home page design.
Why can’t you keep your mitts off things that work and also quit getting so money greedy. Next time put any changes up for members to vote on before making changes!
Now go back and put thing back like they were before or else you will find you will lose a lot of paying members, including me!
I agree with everything everyone else said..it is a real mess..
i very much hate this new format..what was wrong with the old way?? not a darn thing..bring it back would u plz..