We are excited to announce that Club Pogo has launched a brand-new homepage. Designed with you in mind, the new page is streamlined for ease of use, and modernized for a fresher look.
While the new design is straightforward and should be easy to navigate, we want to call out some of the highlights:
Most Recently Played Games Bar. Placed at the top, this bar allows you to add these games to your “My Favorites” list by simply clicking the little ‘heart’ icon in the upper left corner. Now you can quickly get to your favorites, and add new favorites to latest discoveries!
Bigger Spotlight and News Section! See top Pogo News stories as soon you as visit, and preview Spotlights using the icon bar, or just wait for them to scroll through on their own.
Member’s “My Stuff” on the Middle Left! Find your Mini, your token and gem counts, and other important account information.
Challenge Information on the Right! Find all your current activated challenges and recent badge information
Navigation Tabs! Choose between “Favorites”, “Categories” and “Games A-Z” We’ve added game icons to the “Favorites” tab so you can see the visual representation of those games you like best!
This is Horrible, if it was made with me in mind I should have a choice and it wouldn’t be this new mess!
I do not like the new homepage at all The old one was arranged in a way that was easy for me to view and access my favorites, or other games. This new design seems designed to promote POGO interestes, and not the customer. Bad move. I hate it.
Add another “HATE IT” to the list ( I didn’t see any like it)
FB can change whenever they want noone is paying for that but POGO has members and should have at least had members vote before changing. Hopefully they will reconsider and change back
don’t like it. too confusing.. can we have a choise of old or new please
I do not liken the new home page. it’s too confusing and a giant mess. i do not like the WHITE BACKGROUND it hurts my eyes. bring back the soft yellow Whats with the games we’ve played last on the top of page ?Don’t need that , and weekly games and daily games should stay on the left side . this is poor layout skills.in other words I HATE THE NEW HOME PAGE> Why do you have to mess with something that was working fine ? You will probably lose me as a customer and saddly i just renewed my yearly membership. mMy hubby has already left site for greener pastures so to speak . I buy a lot of gems albums and mnm games not to speak of all the hidden object games. I want the old format back.Someones head should roll over this fiasco.Wake up pogo, need to pay attention to your paying customers.GET RID OF ALL THE WHITE EVERYWHERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Terrible home page. The old one was easier on my old eyes and it was easier to find the games I wanted to play. Now I have six games across the top.. 3 are favorites and the other 3 are games I only play when they are the daily challenge. So…. Now I have to scroll down to find my favorite games and I have been a member long enough where I don’t need Pogo to recommend any games to me. I know what games are available and if I wanted to play them I would.
I also thought Pogo would realize by now that a white background is very hard on the eyes! Even this comment box is white with gray text.
You really flubbed this time Pogo so lets bring back the old homepage and make your supporters happy.
I agree please bring back the old page, I like it much better! This is to scattered and confusing!
I hate this page, too! Go back to the old page. This page IS confusing,too busy and unorganized. Our first graders, at the school I work, have more organization than this.
I might be finding another gaming sight! You should have given us a chance to vote whether to change or not. After all we do pay for this!!
Are you listening Pogo? We really, really HATE it.
Pogo, this new homepage is a flop. I hate it. It looks cluttered and messy, and I can’t find my way around. Give us a choice between the 2, I bet most people (you know – your paying customers) will choose the old format.
Seeing that page was like going to Outback and ordering filet mignon, and having them serve a McDonalds hamburger.
I really dislike this format . When you tried to introduce it a few weeks back I lost my friends list > I tried to find help but nothing worked like clearing cache ,seeing if my Java was current nada > I thought when you reintroduced this page it would come back but no luck .
Hate, hate, hate this. I agree with all. Please give us a choice to go back to old home page. I wanted to finish my badge tonight and cannot even find how to do this. It is too frustrating for words.
This is my second post tonight. I have not been able to play with my friends. Games will not load. I am truly through with Pogo. I quite once before and decided to give you another try. Worked fine for a few months, now this. On a fixed income. cannot afford to pay for something that does not work when I need it to. Will not renew. Sorry for me, not Pogo. Terrible!!
To add my two cents worth, hate new layout and will not renew my sub.
I quit FB because they tried to put EVERYTHING on one page, instead of letting us keep our little organized pages.
If Pogo is going the route of FB, EA involved or not, I will NOT be renewing my membership.
Worst move by Pogo/EA yet…WORST.
Not to mention…I’ve tried submitting this post SEVEN times and keep getting an error that I’m posting too quickly. WTF Pogo?? Have you guys lost your freakin minds?? You’ve managed to stifle every other avenue we had for help, and seemingly, now complaints. And when you read the guidelines for posting HERE, it says you can’t be negative or anything but arse kissing or they won’t approve it. At the bottom of THAT page, it says “Comments Closed”. Wussies
Pogo is so excited that they are giving us something we don’t want. Get a life and leave pogo alone. Give us back our old home page. This is so ridiculous. Why do you keep irritating your players. Evidently you do not respect us as players or as paying players. You continue to give us things we don’t want or need. If you want to give us something bring down the price of your badges. I am so over pogo. I guess you just can’t fix stupid
Pogo I have been a member for 8 Years and I HATE THIS new page…please please put everything back the way it was…I think I will have to really consider if I want to make 9 years…
Lots of nay sayers, and I agree with them. Lots of empty real estate went you change some configuration. Not well though I think. Overall, Pogo should listen to their PAID members more often.
Good luck POGO at winning back those who may think of leaving you!
This new home page is UGLY and very user unfriendly. Please call it a belated April Fool’s joke and put it back the way it was. All the comments I have read today seem to hate it, and I add my voice to theirs “I HATE IT!!!!!!!
Too time consuming. Scroll here, scroll there…between work and home this was the one place I had left that nobody could move my stuff so I couldn’t find it!!!
As so many before me, I must say this new homepage SUCKS! Here’s a thought, why not let those of us paying for pogo subscriptions vote on the matter? Perhaps run a poll for a week and let it be decided democratically. I personally had NO problem with the old homepage and would like it back please. I don’t know if anyone’s ever told y’all, but NEW does NOT always mean BETTER, just look at how NEW Coke worked out.
This is terrible!! Bring back the old POGO.
they dont care as long as they know they r gettin money from us ths homepage suks and its not rite that we hve no say when we pay for this. they dont even want to hear when we have a problem so they can fix it . ITS ALL ABOUT MONEY TO THEM
horrible….WTF why would you mess with things…put it back to the way it was…..I HATE IT. why did you think it needed revamping????
I think I like it. As with anything new, will have to get used to it. Usually when Pogo makes a change I do not comment because I realize that I will like the change after using it for a while. Thank you Pogo for working so hard to make our Pogo experience a good one. Keep up the good work!
This is definitely NOT cool. Can’t find a thing!!! Just like taking away all the Jackpots
you do what YOU want, without any logical reason and/or input from the players/PAYERS!!!
This stinks!!! Put it back the way it was!! Thank you… And, while you’re at it, add the jackpots back, too.
I don’t like it. Our eyes are trained to go from left to right. They need to move what is on the right side back to the left side. Some ideas are good but there was no need to make such a drastic change.
You need to fix what is wrong with the site instead of trying to make us mad with so many awful changes!!!! We are the ones that pay for this site and as paying customers should have a site we can be proud of not this. Seems like you have hired some very inexperienced people to tell you what your customers would like,,, need to listen to the people that pay your salary for once before you loose all of us.
Don’t like the new set up, way to busy. What was wrong with the old homepage at least I knew where things were and didn’t have to go thru a lot of stuff I don’t want to see to get where I wanted to go!!!
I do not like the new homepage! Please put it back – looked better and was easier to navigate!
Why did you guys “FIX” (????????????) something that was not broken???
Ditto Don’t like the new front page…….
If it aint broke don’t fix it……
I really LOVE it……fantastic changes……couldn’t be better……Now POGO will send me a free membership or other gift as I am the only one who is saying anything positive about it.
What was the design team smoking or taking. Something went seriously wrong. New Homepage SUCKS big time. HATE IT HATE IT HATE IT. I will not renew member ship if Homepage does not go back to old setup. So far I do not see one positive comment regrading the NEW, BUT NOT IMPROVED Homepage.
I dont like it please give us club pogo members back to the old homepage! :(
The new homepage is highlighting the wrong things! I want to see my Mini clearly, and all my stuff – messages, profile, gems, etc. I don’t need the whole page taken up by My Favorites with my Mini & all my stuff squished on the left hand side!
This sucks. Bring back the old home page …. you’re making too many unwanted changes to this site!
Ok, here I go…Sorry Pogo that you have heard so much negative feedbck about YOUR new homepage, but it seems that the PAYING customers should have been given the finally say. Since WE the members pay to keep Pogo up and running, it seems only fair that we should have been given the option to compare this new homepage to our old one and give feedback on whether or not we would opt for or against it. If you truly read some on the criticism stated, you will see that the majority of people feel the new homepage is not only cluttered and busy, but confusing and search sensitive. I dislike the arrangement, lack of organization , style and game sequence. Plus why are our mini’s so much lower? Many are proud to have their mini, tokens, gems, etc….easily displayed at the top of our screens. It just doesn’t seem to work. Please put it back or try another layout……kepping my fingers crossed :-(
And now its saying i’m posting to quickly………..REALLY?
This is the last straw. I will not renew my subscripton. I doubt pogo gives a damn or will bother reading this. Stupid is as stupid does. Adios pogo. I am posting comments to quickly? You have got to be kidding me. This has to be a joke.
Why don’t you work on the games instead of changing the website format? This change is worthless. We come to this site to play games, not to navigate new web pages.
This new page is a mess.
it looks like the annoying page you have if you don’t pay for a membership… enough said!
why put the badges on the other side? and the random couple squares of games at the top of the page? and it’s all white! how much more boring could you make this?! it wouldn’t be so bad if you could get rid of that useless couple squares of random games at the top that I don’t even play and see a bit of my mini. sheeeeesh
i guess that is the “Most Recently Played Games” bar… THAT part is completely useless the rest is mostly okay. GET RID OF ITTTT
Do not like it. Put back the old POGO page.
EA and Pogo are just like face book..face book changed and no one likes it, including me, all you companies just change things when ever you want and never give us, the people, any say or thought in any matter, you just do as you please..We as paying customers should be able to take a vote along with a FULL sample of what we are voting on..I haven’t cared for your new embedded games..your new friend list, or this piece of “CLUTTER” you call our home page..I don’t comment on the changes YOU MAKE us deal with, but this one I just couldn’t let go without venting. I do appreciate your time and effort, but please EA and Pogo, appreciate our feelings in return..It does work both ways, not one way..Thank you
DITTO…DITTO…DITTO the already posted comments! Not a happy camper with these changes, and will probably not renew. Have been a member since 2005 and met many nice folks around the world. I always considered Pogo a neat place to go after a long stressful day. And the challenges used to be fun until this year when Pogo started messing with things. But as seems to be the case more often then not, Pogo folks don’t listen to us paying members, which is just not right. If the majority of paying people request the old format, then certainly Pogo should consider our comments. Most businesses would not operate well at all by not respecting the customer’s opinion. After all, what would Pogo be without customers?
god i hate this, they never leave well enough alone. if something ain’t broke don’t fix it.
what hurts we pay for pogo and are never ask about change i hate change bring back the old and out with the new
I do not like the new homepage. It is hard to read, and looks cheap, cheap, cheap!!!
You got my renewal money last friday and this is how I get rewarded. If you would have done this home page change last tues. I would have stopped my paym’t