Introducing the New Club Pogo Homepage!

We are excited to announce that Club Pogo has launched a brand-new homepage. Designed with you in mind, the new page is streamlined for ease of use, and modernized for a fresher look.


While the new design is straightforward and should be easy to navigate, we want to call out some of the highlights:


Most Recently Played Games Bar. Placed at the top, this bar allows you to add these games to your “My Favorites” list by simply clicking the little ‘heart’ icon in the upper left corner. Now you can quickly get to your favorites, and add new favorites to latest discoveries!

Bigger Spotlight and News Section! See top Pogo News stories as soon you as visit, and preview Spotlights using the icon bar, or just wait for them to scroll through on their own.

Member’s “My Stuff” on the Middle Left! Find your Mini, your token and gem counts, and other important account information.

Challenge Information on the Right! Find all your current activated challenges and recent badge information

Navigation Tabs! Choose between “Favorites”, “Categories” and “Games A-Z” We’ve added game icons to the “Favorites” tab so you can see the visual representation of those games you like best!

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  • been a member a llllllllloooooooonnnnnnnnggggggg time but it is about to end this new format is the worst change you could ever make…………………….give your paying members a choice…………..TAKE A VOTE…………….LISTEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!WE HATE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! GOT IT????????????? HATE IT!!!!!!!!!!!
    How dare you say I’m posting too quickly. I pay money for this spot and should be able to post anytime I want to.

  • The new home page is a mess. It’s not neat like it was. I liked the organization of the old homepage. We should be able to choose if we want to change.

  • This new homepage is horrible .POGO should give us an option of switching back to the old version.Now i have been on here since 2003-04 and i have seen lots of changes since then but come on there was nothing wrong with how it was layed out the last time.WAKE UP POGO STOP CHANGING THINGS THAT ARE NOT EVEN BROKEN TO BEGIN WITH.I have lest pogo in the past because of changes on the sit eand will stop spending my money on it again

  • Saw the new homepage today and I don’t like it. I liked seeing my favorites and the other games to play on the same page.

  • Playing Pogo is a large part of my relaxing time. I don’t mind change and I can navigate around this new page but must admit that if I was a new member ( which I am not ) I wouldn’t know what to look for or where to go. The old format was much better and I must admit that I see many goofs since Pogo start pushing Facebook. I don’t do Facebook and I think this is why a lot of people like it simply and easy. It is not easy and that is really what most customers want. Hope you can put things back and if you can’t I will ajust but will also be looking for a new gaming place and seriously thinking of no renewing.

    Thanks for all the fun in the past.

  • Sorry Pogo, but if this is your conceptual idea of improvement, I can not wait until my current subscription expires.
    Best wishes for your future.

  • I have been a POGO member for years and have seen changes. I’m not thrilled about this change however. Not sure if it’s the set up or on my end but my window doesn’t show everything. I have to go to the bottom of the page to see the daily challenge. It says it’s supposed to be to the left. If it’s on my end I’d be open to suggestions. I also don’t like how big my favorites are, takes up most of the page. I liked the “at a glance” set up.

  • No one likes change… I hate it too…I think that my observations of those who play on Pogo daily are either retired or older folks. This new change is not a hit with the older folks and I am one of them. I am not sure if I will renew again and I think you at Pogo need to listen to those who pay you, like me!

  • does anyone know where the challenges are located? The news says on the right but it’s not on mine. There is nothing on the right. I don’t know why people have to change something that doesn’t need fixed.

  • sorry pogo i dont like your new look it was alot better before you change it i have a saying ( if the clock works leave it alone ) you really should put your home page back the way it was lots of member wont like your new look

  • I have to say that I have to agree with EVERYONE on this new home page. I don’t like it at all…the old home page was MUCH BETTER…easier to read. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE listen to your members and BRING THE OLD HOME PAGE BACK!!!!

  • Hey Pogo designers,Whats up with new page.You all going blind.We do not need giant graphics.Put back old page!!!!!

  • do not like this at all!! you want us all to quit???? would not of renewed if i would of seen this first!!!

  • This is one of those days where you have the techies admit they made a mistake. This is the worst change you have ever made. Please bring back the original home page.

  • I just hate the new layout !! GO back to the o0ld POGO PAGE

    • I don’t like it either. Why did pogo waste their time on messing up the home page instead of fixing what doesn’t work? Why does chat only work in zuma during game play and not between rounds? Does that make sense? Connect 4 doesn’t give out the rank badges earned. I think pogo needs a new manager.

  • I do not care for the new format. I think it is too white. Needs more color. I do not need to see recently played across the top. Would like to see where my friends are right on the front page. Still do not like “activating” badges.

    P.S. How can I be posting too fast?

  • I really am in the minority when I say this, but I like the new home page. It isn’t confusing at all, in fact, it is very well orgainized.

  • What the…. I don’t even….

    Worst. Home Page. Ever.

    Edit: Of course. My one comment is “posting too quickly”. Grrr. I haven’t posted anything!!

  • Does anyone know of another service just like Pogo, except that they respect what their members want? I’m willing to pay somebody else to get what I want.

  • I believe if it is not broke don’t fix it. Leave things alone!!!!!! Why do you keep changing things and think that we are going to like it.

  • bring old homepage back

  • Why can’t you leave well enough alone…you have something that is working and you find it necessary to change it all. Why don’t you consider what we want rather than what the programers think “might” be better. Pogo is my way of relaxing and enjoying not having to figure out how to navigate through the maze to get to where I want to go.
    LEAVE IT ALONE!!! Give us back our old and comfortable home page!!!

    • The embedded games were bad enough, but this new layout is totally ridiculous! I’d take a blouse back if the buttons were missing and get a refund. I realize I can’t get a refund, but I sure as heck can find CALMER ways to spend this fee. We pay $39.95 for this aggravation, how dumb do you think we are?

  • Dont like the new format at all please give us an option to return to the original format we have come to love so much. I hate spending money on this type of change without consulting the users. You say you have us in mind well our minds dont need changed we like what works for us the paying users. Sorry but looking at the response, we, the majority, are not who you had in mind when you say users. Some skater dude probably trying to justify why he should have a job in your office I suspect said Knarley dude this is what people want!!! Quit smoking whatever it is your smoking and return to listening to the people and just work on giving us games that challenge us and stimulate the mind. Also the ones that entertain us. Thanks for listening (Not that I believe it will do any good)

  • I hate this new page, bring back the old one or I think I am with all of these other folks. I’m not paying for something that is a copy of facebook pages. I have been a paying client for over 10 years, don’t think I will be back for another with all these changes.

  • DITTO, DITTO, DITTO…I agree with you all…the new POGO Home Page is definitely NOT an improvement! We already have too many unnecessary changes in this modern age. Is POGO trying to finish driving us all crazy???

  • Hog Heaven is supposed to be a daily. There’s no place to activate the game, and no instructions on what needs to be done to win the daily tokens for it. If this is someone’s idea of a home page that’s easy to navigate, I’d hate to see their idea of a difficult one. The old one wasn’t broken…so why was it “fixed?”

  • Sorry Pogo – after reading all the “player” comments, DO YOU NOW GET IT????? No one seems to like the new homepage and I’m afraid time isn’t going to help. I did notice that when we play our games – they’re all the same as before. However, the new format doesn’t match the old format. Gonna change? Change it all. Personally, I happen to like it as it was and agree that if it ain’t broke – don’t fix it. Pogo is part of a lot of our lives – relaxing, chatting, etc. Why don’t you admit defeat and say “Pogo is sorry and will go back to the way it was.” Otherwise … well, it’s real easy to cancel. You know what I mean!!!

  • The POGO team who came up with this new homepage should be fired!!!!! It is NOT streamlined, but in fact is more confusing and unorganized and much harder to navigate. And what’s up with putting our mini’s in a place where we have to scroll down 1/2 a page to even see them. Before the mini was in a good place and immediately visible. As well, the quick links to gifts, messages, etc are also put ½ down the page! What is streamline about that? PUT IT BACK TO THE OLD STYLE — it was much easier to deal with. Again, I would immediately fire the people or person who came up with this so-called new page! Reverse it now or I for one will not be renewing my membership.

  • Really do not like the new format, too much wasted space! put it back!!

  • Don’t care at all for this new homepage. Looks very generic, too much of want I don’t want, and not enough space for want I want unless I scroll down to find my stuff. Not sure this is an improvement. Also, the smaller gift subsciptions are gone, can only purchase a full year. Seems greedy POGO.

  • Add me to the majority who doesn’t like the new layout. Much too busy. The “recently played” bar can go away. Most are already on my favorites. Duh! I may not renew next month…

  • Dear Pogo/EA,

    Why ???? what is the piont of paying membership fees? i for one,well…. evidently, many now (poss. 100’s) will no longer be PAYING for this non-sense.I was looking forward to the new change, i thought it would have been geared twards the adults who foot the bill. you know.. the PAYING “members” and i use that term “members” loosely because evidently your definition of the word is COMPLETELY different than mine and everyone who has posted before me. well……….thanks for the memories pogo.Sadly enough to say my paying days are suggestion would be to take a lesson from the designers of yahoo’s home can pick and choose what you want and where you want it, now THAT’S worth paying for !

  • OH, and by the way if you are doing this so that you can develop an app for the Iphone or some other portable device that is fine, but do it as a separate app. If we want it for our phones or tablets we will download it.

  • New home page is not an improvement….way too cluttered.

  • one more vote for the old page this is getting rediculous. thinking of letting my membership lapse especially if they are going to charge for challenges. its bad enough that i have to pay for some of the game episodes let alone the challenges

  • I wasn’t complaining about my pogo? Were y’all? I am not sure if I will be renewing my subscription a lot to think about over the next month.
    I don’t want Pogo to become FB and Zynga. Good luck to us

  • Do not like it! Badly laid out, the emphasis is on the wrong things. Please change it.

  • Its the stupidest thing i have ever senn, its not easier if anything it is more confusing but thats pogo for you!!!!


  • It’s unanimous!! It it ain’t broke, fix it until it is. Pogo has made so many changes over the past several years. Most were not good. THIS IS THE WORST.

  • What the hell happened 2 game room barn beauties (uncencerored} cant play with my friends this is not good fix it PLEASE TY

  • Dont like it, please old one back. will not be renewing subscription if this one stays

  • Most of us will eventually adjust to the change. But, I have to ask, why the change? Why fix what isn’t broken? I am not a fan of the new look either.

  • I don’t like the new page either. Please give us the old page back and quit changing things around we like pogo the way it was!!!!!!!!!

  • HATE IT HATE IT HATE IT, Like just going down home page and finding different games to play. The new set up SUCKS big time. Bring back the old Pogo.


  • Another mostly “Nay” vote. The new home page feels less cohesive. Some color blocking would help and add excitement while reducing visual clutter. This is “Club” Pogo, however the club has been relegated to the bottom of the home page, while your advertising is front and center. I understand you have to make money, but please keep your ads in scale and don’t forget your customer. I miss seeing my mini and finding out that I have messages when I first log in. One positive change is showing the Daily Challenges and Bonus token games in horizontal format right below the task bar. I would add a link to New Promotions there as well.

  • HATE the new homepage!!!!!!!!! Don’t know WHO told you it was a GOOD idea…it’s NOT..sheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeh!

  • PLEASE give us the CHOICE of the new page or the old page. I, along with many others above, DO NOT LIKE this new layout. It has icons of Favorites that I DO NOT PLAY and cannot remove them…irritating to say the least. Will have to scroll down EVERY TIME I want to play! Ugly! And a big waste of time & energy & expense on your part. Sad…