Introducing the New Club Pogo Homepage!

We are excited to announce that Club Pogo has launched a brand-new homepage. Designed with you in mind, the new page is streamlined for ease of use, and modernized for a fresher look.


While the new design is straightforward and should be easy to navigate, we want to call out some of the highlights:


Most Recently Played Games Bar. Placed at the top, this bar allows you to add these games to your “My Favorites” list by simply clicking the little ‘heart’ icon in the upper left corner. Now you can quickly get to your favorites, and add new favorites to latest discoveries!

Bigger Spotlight and News Section! See top Pogo News stories as soon you as visit, and preview Spotlights using the icon bar, or just wait for them to scroll through on their own.

Member’s “My Stuff” on the Middle Left! Find your Mini, your token and gem counts, and other important account information.

Challenge Information on the Right! Find all your current activated challenges and recent badge information

Navigation Tabs! Choose between “Favorites”, “Categories” and “Games A-Z” We’ve added game icons to the “Favorites” tab so you can see the visual representation of those games you like best!

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  • don’t like it put it back the way it was

  • It totally sucks. Get the old one back immediately. I will be very tempted to drop my premium membership if you don’t.


  • Change is good… It was time for a makeover ;)

  • WellWellWell,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Looks like it’s UNANIMOUS ! !,,,,,,,,,,,,Everybody HATES IT ! !,,,,,,,,,,,,,But that’s ok because You People at POGO are just Excited about it ! !,,,,,,,,WE ARE PAYING MONEY TO PLAY THESE GAMES ! !,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Let’s see how EXCITED you are about LOSING CUSTOMERS ! !,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,and the stocks take another Nose Dive from Stupidity and just have a super sparkely day,,,,,,,Want to do something POSITIVE FOR A CHANGE? Make it easier to CONTACT YOU GUYS WHEN THERE IS A PROBLEM ! !

    • Totally agree Davem.
      I will not renew my membership if this doesn’t change back to the old page

  • OMG, this is horrible..too busy and too white, need some color and make it go away!


  • I also do not like the “new home page” is very confusing and I knew the old one and could find what ever I wanted! PLEASE CHANGE IT BACK!!

  • The new homepage is shockingly terrible. I’m amazed that someone thought they created a great layout/design and I’m SPEECHLESS that someone higher up authorized its implementation. I think some people need be FIRED!

  • i agree to confusing. i like the old one.

  • I hate this bring back the old page

  • I agree with all the comments. The new image sucks. What were they thinking. I am up for renewal soon, it might not happen with this new home page.

  • I don’t like it, give us the old one back!

  • Once before pogo tried to fix what wasn’t broken by changing the color in in chat much to the dismay of all players, fortunately they had enough sense to listen to their members and brought back the old colors. Hopefully, they will read all the negative response as I have just done and listen again to their members. The old adage “If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it”
    certainly applies here. Please give us back the old home page.


  • why cant you leave things alone i hate this new page bring back the old one

  • as usual something the paying members dont like or wANT OR ASKED FOR..always messing with things that isnt broke and making it broke

  • WOAH…….WHAT HAPPENED HERE!!! Why would you go changing things around? You should of had a voters poll to make this decision. I mean WE ALL DO PAY TO PLAY POGO SO YOU WOULD THINK THAT OUR OPINION WOULD COUNT…RIGHT??? We all are loyal players and we are not happy with this mayhem that you have created. HINT HINT….FIX THIS NONSENSE!!!


  • Pogo,

    I also hate the new Pogo home page. I agree with many of the above comments that the badge information should be on the left and our minis on the right and we shouldn’t have to scroll down to obtain access to what we use and have paid for. The page is cluttered, confusing, and there is no ease of reading. Additionally, the new design appears to be focused on advertising and not on making the Club Pogo members have an enjoyable experience. For the first few minutes, I actually thought I had accidently logged onto the public Pogo with all the ads.

    Pogo needs to reconsider this design – why would you ruin a decent, easy to use homepage like we had yesterday. This is really, really, disappointing.

    Please re-consider this Home Page. Thank you.

  • Bring back the old homepage…this one REALLY STINKS….I HATE IT!!! I don’t even want to play anymore.

  • I’ll just say, “ditto, I hate the new homepage layout.” I won’t get all detailed and restate what everyone has already said. I just wanted to be counted among the “NO” votes.

  • I can’t get into games tables now because of pogo why don’t you leave things alone. My subscription expires next month and I had it with pogo I will not renew

  • Like the old format! New one is not user friendly and is difficult to view. Change for the sake of change is not always the way to go.

  • Trying for the second time to post my comment…typing to fast…what a joke!
    Been a paying customer for 8 years and at this rate I will not be renewing in FEB.
    Thanks alot POGO for screwing up my one website that I really liked.
    By the sound of it….you’re going to be losing alot of your loyal players.
    Less money for you guys, means less jobs for POGO and I hope the idiot who decided to do this is one of the first to go

  • I also don’t like the new look it is really confusing. Please bring back the old home page it’s what we are all used to and it looked better.

  • I don’t like the new homepage. Like others have said, it is confusing. It will take some getting used to, but as they say, if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it! I feel this way cause it was just fine the way it was. I have been on here a LONG time and this is one of the
    dumbest changes you have done. change it back please!!!

  • The Mini, which you have trained us all to trick out and spend on is not even in full view right away. When playing a game all you see is a tiny tile, why get anything new or change outfits if it’s not one of the first things to see.

    If the new page was customizable it would be nice, but the two things I look for right away…my Mini and daily/weekly challenges are now far apart from each other.

    I had been seeing the run-up to this but never dreamed the page would be so huge you have to scroll so much to see all of it. Why don’t you make the actual game playing areas this big? I have a 21″ monitor and it might as well be half that size for a all the dead space around all the actual game playing areas.

    I vote NO on the new page, but doubt it will get us anywhere.

  • I hate it cant find anything

  • Hope whoever design this new Home Page graduated from kindergarten. The new improved page sucks and I agree with other club members that as a whole POGO is getting worse.

  • I hope Pogo is still working on it because it needs some changes. I do like the game I most recently played at top. That is a nice feature. Not to much more to like as of yet.

  • Good Lord! The man in charge of Apple’s maps app must have also been in charge of designing the new Club Pogo page. A complete disaster!
    The type size on the center section of favorite games is much too large. I feel as though I am in first or second grade trying to read type size that large.

  • I really hate this new page. I hate it so much I just sent a letter to the editors about how many people are against it as to for it. this way if they don’t look at our comments and take notice then maybe some one else will.

  • Change is always hard for some people. I LOVE THE NEW LOOK!

  • This new home page is very confusing. I have been here for years and enjoyed it very much but now I can’t find my games. I am paying for 4 memberships but will probably not renew any of them. I am totally lost here.

  • This format SUCKS!!!… Why can’t they leave a good thing alone?

  • I still like the sign in page but I HATE the new home page.

  • hate it, hate it, hate it, hate it Have to scroll down to see token total for one bad thing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!someone was having a terrible noghtmare when they designed this!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AT LEAST GIVE US A CHOICE AS TO WHAT WE WANT FOR OUR MONEY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • What a mess you have made. The homepage is like a puzzle. Lets get back to the original.
    I also tried to play a couple of my favorite games and was not able to play as the system was so slow.

  • Totally dislike this new look. The old way was compact, clear, easy to navigate. Everything this one is not. Thanks for the opportunity to comment.

  • Add me to the list. I hate this mess!

  • The new page looks very childish. I’m sure a 6th grader would like it. I don’t, and judging from the comments here most other members don’t like it either. It’s sad, because Pogo will not even begin to read these comments, nor will they bow to the wishes of their paying members.

  • Amazing, what percentage of these comments do you think are AGAINST the new homepage? Looks to me to be about 85%; where I come from, that’s a majority. SO CHANGE IT BACK and stop fixing what isn’t broken. Thank you and have a nice day!

    • Looks like a lot more than 85%. I’d say it’s 99% of the comments are telling Pogo that their new design sucks. I agree.

  • Why can’t POGO just leave well enough alone. I don’t like the new design at all. People go into POGO to relax and not have to think. It has turned into a stressful ordeal instead of a fun and relaxing one. It wasn’t broken so why change it?

  • c’mon, pogo, … clean up your mess…start by ditching the top 1/3 of your design, then listen to your customers for the rest of the information required to design a doable homepage .. we should be able to go to our homepage and see: our mini, favorites, challenges, messages, gifts….but all i see when i cue up my homepage is…, come-ons, and a group of games that are supposed to be games most recently played, but aren’t ….. useless…if you are going to force us to navigate these obstacles you have placed on our homepage, have the courtesy to pay us GEMS for our efforts…..what a crock

  • i didnt like the changes you made 2 months ago it was too bright now this is even worse…there is no way to change anything … i dont like the help from pogo or ea… the games i bought a year ago wont work now…i’m done. been a member for a very very long time and i’ve tried resolving things and never ever get any answers.

  • Why do you people insist on changing something that works well. Don’t you understand that we just want to play games and we are the ones paying you. It was bad enough when you changed the scoring and play again to a cheap looking piece of crap. If you are bored invent some new games and leave us alone.

  • not bad enuf that the page sux, now I can’r even enter my complaint, cuz it says I’m doing it too fast… TAKE THE HINT…….

  • If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it !!!!

  • Don’t much care for the new homepage.