We are excited to announce that Club Pogo has launched a brand-new homepage. Designed with you in mind, the new page is streamlined for ease of use, and modernized for a fresher look.
While the new design is straightforward and should be easy to navigate, we want to call out some of the highlights:
Most Recently Played Games Bar. Placed at the top, this bar allows you to add these games to your “My Favorites” list by simply clicking the little ‘heart’ icon in the upper left corner. Now you can quickly get to your favorites, and add new favorites to latest discoveries!
Bigger Spotlight and News Section! See top Pogo News stories as soon you as visit, and preview Spotlights using the icon bar, or just wait for them to scroll through on their own.
Member’s “My Stuff” on the Middle Left! Find your Mini, your token and gem counts, and other important account information.
Challenge Information on the Right! Find all your current activated challenges and recent badge information
Navigation Tabs! Choose between “Favorites”, “Categories” and “Games A-Z” We’ve added game icons to the “Favorites” tab so you can see the visual representation of those games you like best!
i hate the new page bring back the old one
I personally don’t really care what the home page looks like…I mean really how much time is spent there? A few seconds…Fix the problems with the games and not worry about a stupid home page…I mean really, your gonna NOT play pogo because of a home page? That is rather silly…I have to however agree that if it’s NOT broke, DON’T fix it…FIX WHAT IS BROKE!!!
it is very confusing like thwe pld page better than the new home page
is anyone else having problems with the games loading???
I do not like the new homepage, way way too much to look at, too confusing…..too much inf on it. I know what games I like and do not like, do not need it on the home page…bring back the old homepage.
I hate it too, hard to find what you are looking for and I don’t like having to switch between pages to find favorites and all other games. It was bad enough when they started embedding the games and have quit playing some because of this. I have been on pogo for 8 years and have not liked changes in last year, even thinking of finding other gaming on the net and dropping pogo if this is what I have to look forward to.
This bites…bring back the old screen!
Gosh, POGO, I can only conclude that you really don’t get it, do you? I find it incomprehensible that you would expend technical efforts to come up with an ugly,unorganized & hard to read homepage when so many of your customers are just begging for some sort of real & useful technical assistance to overcome the constant downloading & game playing technical issues so many seem to be having. I am really amazed at your priorities.
I and a number of my friends on line in POGO are really disappointed with the new home page. We find it very confusing. Why is it that POGO, instead of asking members for input into changes, just makes arbitrary changes and forces them on us? Change it back!!!
Why does companies think they need to “Improve” something. The Home Page was just fine the way it was,If it’s not broke don’t fix it!!!!!!!!!! 0Why can’t they leave well enuff alone?????????? There are so many other things they could do differently. IE Membership costs…Badges…Gems…
I’m just saying!!
I don’t like the new homepage…it’s confusing and hard to find my favorites. Bring back the old page there was nothing wrong with it. Remember the saying if it ain’t broke don’t fix it!
hate it hate it back to the old this realllllly sucks !!!!!
Boy how I hate this new home page. Please bring back the old one. You already have enough feedback from us paying customers that you should realize that this was a bad mistake.
The other one was fine, why did you try to fix it ???
CONFUSION – page is too busy. Cannot get Hog Heaven to load – keep getting message “cannot connect to serve”
May be getting time to close out Pogo account and go to Facebook and play their FREE games.
Sorry, but it is much too WHITE .. feel like I’m in a snow storm. Hmm i hit submit and it says I’m talking to fast lol
Can’t you ever leave anything on Pogo the same – New page is terrible – HATE IT – bring back the old one – PLEASEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
Did you forget your Adderall today? This new page is so confusing and over the top, I can’t take it!! Bring back the old page!!
Wait. This is an April Fools joke, right? This isn’t really the new page, is it? Is it? C’mon son. This isn’t good for your look. Really.
this new page is not designed with me in mind at all. The games don’t show up and I can’t tell what the badges are to do. Nothing is showing up. I like things to stay the same and I was perfectly happy with the way it was.
i no likey! there’s too much clutter & im getting pop-ups all over the place!
im a Club Pogo Member b/c i dont like the pop ups!
plz return my old home page back to me?!?
For all those that do not like this.. just simply take your renewal information off. Just maybe if enough do this, they will listen to us better. Just a thought!
I came to pogo to play some games (paid subscription) and OMG a bomb landed on pogo land!!!! Who’s bright idea was it to do this utter mess?!?!? I guess if this was a petition I’d sign it for OUR old page. The expression out with the old and in with the new, well I for one say… Bring back the old and out with the new!!! Pogo incase you can’t understand what I am saying (looks like everyone is too) YUCKY POO!!! The new design STINKS OUT LOUD!!!
I’m definitely not in love w/ the new homepage. I want my mini back up where I can see it without scrolling down and I don’t want to be bombarded by the billboard-like thing (where you see new mini stuff has been released, etc…). And my favorites list is too big, making it harder to find my games, and I want the games that aren’t in my favorites on the homepage so I can scroll down and find them easily.
This new page lacks organization. We used to be able to see challenges, messages, and fav games with one glance. Now, where are the messages kept? I can’t find them yet. Some say progress is to make a change, this is an example of going backwards. Our old page was great.
This new home page is not easy to read. POGO wants us to update to explorer 8 and expect us to pay for the darn thing, already paying POGO for the games. I used to use AOL but now its not acceptable and thats changed. I simply hate the new page! Give us the old home page back PLEASE!
Download the FREE Chrome browser and you should have no problems here. It only takes a few mins to download and you can import your favs from IE.
The new homepage is a disaster area. The old page was user friendly, I don’t know what this one is, but it’s definitely not user friendly. Our mini should be at the top of the homepage, not the games last played, we already know what game we last played.
This is crazy. Who ever got paid to design this ripped you off big time. Don’t like it, won’t recomend it to other friends. Think I’ll go some place easier to follow.
Please look at the amount of negative comments about the new page. It was very easy to use the old way. Everything was right at hand. Please change it back
Pogo I hate the new home page. why do you keep changing things when everything was fine before. Please put the old one back.
░▀▄▄▄▄▄▄▀░ Whoa very Cluttered!–Wait was there a poll for a New Home Page–& I missed it?! New format is just AWFUL!! Why couldn’t OUR Mini’s Be Front & Center? Now, instead U havta scroll down the page to view it & then scroll BACK UP THE PAGE to get to the Sections, Mini Mall,Badges, News etc! Our Favorite games DO NOT NEED TO BE THAT ENLARGED! BUT-I’d like to see OUR MINI’S displayed alittle LARGER!! Needs to be Made over! IMO this IS NOT MORE APPEALING & dont really think Pogo had us in mind! Read ALL THE ENTRIES ABOVE, with the exception of very Few! WE DON’T LIKE IT!! BIG THUMBS DOWN! :(
All I can say is WOW. No, actually I can say a lot more! Of all the changes POGO has made this year this is the worse of the lot. I have never seen a more amateur looking web page. Do I care what games I have played last, that they belong on the top of the page? NO! Do we really need to have our favorites so big that you have to scroll to the bottom of the page when you have just a handful of favorites? NO! I come to play games so do I need the news set at the top left corner? NO! I could go on and on but you have already all viewed this mess up of a home page! I don’t mind change unlike many of the others here but it should be for the BETTER not worse than what we already had. If I had just stumbled across POGO and saw THIS I would just move on.
OK you all practiced this practical joke on us but please this is almost Christmas time not April Fool’s Day so please put it back as it was!
Wow…this is really bad. I don’t usually say I hate something but this new homepage I hate. I am taking myself off of the auto renewal. If it stays like this, I will not renew with Pogo. This is beyond ugly and confusing. Why did you take something usable and make it unusable? FIX IT!!!!
I absolutely hate the new home page. I just logged in and hit the home page repeatedly thinking this was some kind of ad. I wish it had been because now we seem stuck with this mess. I have been a member since 2003 and I have never seen anything so utterly stupid. Come on Pogo give us back our home page and create new games or something in your spare time.
HATE THIS PAGE!! It doesn’t load right on my computer, the challanges are WAAAY on the bottom left side of the page, it’s too bright and confusing. We will soon see if POGO really cares about it’s paying customers or not by looking to see if you change the homepage back to the previous setup or not. I would think by the number of responses on this page, it would be obvious that most HATE this new design.
I am not posting to quickly, maybe your server is being over-ran by negative posts…..
i’m with those who absolutely hate it. and so do others i’ve discussed it with who probably aren’t likely to post. it’s not an improvement at all. especially for those with sensitive eyes, the brighter page is uncomfortable.
seems it’s not an improvement, but change for change’s sake only. there are some things we’ve been asking for for a very long time: better organization and a delete button in our closets; more snapshot pages, etc. and don’t get. we do get unnecessary changes that are disliked by many of us older account people. some have even left pogo because they’ve given up on games ever getting fixed, etc.
please, please, for once do a mea culpa and revert to the old page!
I find it cluttered as well. A person reads left to right. It is easier to find challenges when they are on the left. Much too cluttered. Pogo, listen to us – give us the old page back and concentrate on the glitches in the games.
Another pointless change, and not for the better. I’ll learn to adapt to it, but will never like it.
WE HATE THIS NEW HOME PAGE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! My husband & I play on here everyday. We can not find the games we want to play the way they are now. We like to have them in the different sections, like card games, arcade, word games. PLEASE PUT BACK THE OLD SET UP. Easier to find what you want and then play. Now we spend more time looking for the game we want to play, we will not be playing much.
BAD POGO, Bad, Bad, Pogo
The new home page is confusing and lacks organization. Why on earth would you ruin a perfectly good home page like the one you already had.
I hate, hate, HATE it. Quit making these changes. It’s cluttered and confusing.
it was not broke and did not need to be fixed shame on u pogo
HATE the new look!! Everything I wanted/needed was all in “one spot” and now its jumbled around. Please change it back!
The old homepage was much nicer.
No way… how do I change it back? This is terrible. Will probably cut down on playing if it cannot be changed back…
What were you thinking? Bah humbug to you Pogo.
Since I PAY to be a Pogo Club member, should I not have the CHOICE whether or not I want a new home page? And…I DO NOT! I want my old page back! This one stinks!
The new home page is horrible!!
Please bring back the old one!!
This is hard to use, come on pogo, why ruin something
we all love so much??
You’re a poet!
Why change something that was fine?
Who wanted it?
Hate the new home page. If you are anything like at@t you wont listen to the paying customer. Lets see how long before you just take the comment section down.