Introducing the New Club Pogo Homepage!

We are excited to announce that Club Pogo has launched a brand-new homepage. Designed with you in mind, the new page is streamlined for ease of use, and modernized for a fresher look.


While the new design is straightforward and should be easy to navigate, we want to call out some of the highlights:


Most Recently Played Games Bar. Placed at the top, this bar allows you to add these games to your “My Favorites” list by simply clicking the little ‘heart’ icon in the upper left corner. Now you can quickly get to your favorites, and add new favorites to latest discoveries!

Bigger Spotlight and News Section! See top Pogo News stories as soon you as visit, and preview Spotlights using the icon bar, or just wait for them to scroll through on their own.

Member’s “My Stuff” on the Middle Left! Find your Mini, your token and gem counts, and other important account information.

Challenge Information on the Right! Find all your current activated challenges and recent badge information

Navigation Tabs! Choose between “Favorites”, “Categories” and “Games A-Z” We’ve added game icons to the “Favorites” tab so you can see the visual representation of those games you like best!

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  • pogo could cre less what we think! they are going to do whatever the heck they want

  • c’mon, pogo, clean up this mess……start by ditching the top 1/3 of this design, leaving our mini, favorites, and challenges accessible when we cue up the page — and if your directive is: PUT THE ADVERTISERS FIRST, then have the decency to split the homepage down the middle, giving your sponsors their prime space, and leaving us ours…. — unless, of course, your directive is: PUT THE ADVERTISERS FIRST … AND… MAKE CERTAIN THE PEOPLE WHO PAY FOR CLUB MEMBERSHIP AND BUY GEMS FOR BADGES GET SCREWED IN THE PROCESS….in which case, i must say ….EXCELLENT JOB of creating a nest for sponsors and leaving your clients screwed…

  • I hate your new homepage bring back the old one why fix what wasn’t broken

  • I meant care less…….

  • Change is not always a good thing…This change is terrible. Why couldn’t you have left things alone. The previous pge worked fine. If it ain’t broke..don’t fix it

  • Pogo, Please return the home page to the way it was. I have been a paying member for 9 years. There was nothing wrong with the home page. Were you receiving complaints from paying members about how it sucked? Did you ask any paid members what they wanted in a new home page? Any polls I could have participated in to help come up with a design? I really just want you to put it back. There are enough people upset, that you should put it back. My membership just renewed. I would not have done that with this new design. I don’t like the changes to the embedded games. I like the look and feel of the way they were. At least with the old way, I could enlarge the screen and play them full screen. Now I have to stare at a small game area and the rest unused space. it is sad to me that you would roll out such a huge format change without the ability for your paying customers to participate in the design creation.

    I really think giving people a choice to choose the new or old format would better serve every customer. Hopefully you are reading the concerns of your members.

  • You had a good thing, this is stupid looking, you should find the guy or guys and fire them!!!!! We pay for our membership now give us back our previous homepage!!!!

  • Please turn it back I hate IT!!!!! I can’t find anything it is very scattered and unorganzied! YUCK YUCK YUCK!!!
    Please listen to your customers and turn it back!!

  • I don’t like the new format. Why can’t you use the money to make new pages on, spend it on making you games play 100%. Like no more lagging, freezing, ect. I’ve been a member for 7 years now & have not been happy for a least 3 years. My husband & I are on disability retirement & this is our pass time. Thank You.

  • two words ‘hate it’

  • I HATE the new homepage, change it back to the old way and dont keep changing it

  • sorry pogo but i absolutely do NOT like, at all, the new home page. i guess i can try to get use to it or NOT renew my membership next time.

    why the change? as a paying subscriber, i don’t recall being asked for my opinion on a prototype. was anyone?

  • This is pretty bad, way worse than the “preview”. It is so cluttered and it is too bright…the old blue & green backgrounds were much kinder to the eyes. I also hate having to scroll waaaaaaay down to see my tokens and mini. I even tried to eliminate all my “favorited” games to reduce the clutter at the top. Out of the 600 plus comments I saw, none were favorble. I suspect that the “changes” for us players are actually intended to make things easier for the Pogo people. PLEASE CHANGE IT BACK. This is NOT good.


  • I agree with everyone that doesn’t like the new home page. It does suck and it does look like the regular page for non-Club Pogo members. When I first got on it, I thought something was wrong. Hate the new page!!! Why did you change it anyway? IF IT AIN’T BROKE, DON’T FIX IT!!!!!!!

  • Ever hear the phrase “KEEP IT SIMPLE”? Evidently not. Go back to the former page. This new 1 is confusing and even looks cold. I use the game site to relax and chase away stress.

  • I hate the new format. I have played Pogo for over 13 years and been a member for 7 years. I have deleted my credit card info, as I won’t be renewing my membership.
    I guess I’ll just have to play Facebook games instead of Pogo.

  • I HATE the new Homepage! I do not like the boxes up top with games “previously visited” and the Badge info is on the Right Side! I’m used to seeing it on the LEFT Side. Also the Favorites are TOO FAR APART!! Don’t we have a say on this!!! I absolutely HATE IT!!!! I am a longtime paying member can’t we have the old one back if we want it!!! Who came up with this STUPID design?

  • My homepage looks nothing like the example or descriptions. The challenges are on the left and I have to page way down to see them. And the Pogo logo at the top left is covered by the links to messages and gifts, and I can’t see my token total – there is no contrast between the text and the background. I can’t really comment on the page since it is definitely not displaying correctly for me.

  • I agree with EVERYONE who has posted….this is an epic FAIL! Can’t even access my favorite Canasta room…. I hope you all are reading this POGO execs!

  • I don’t like the new page. We were all comfortable with the old one. It wasn’t broken so why did you “fix it”? Why can’t you just leave things alone? Change it back.

  • I don’t like the new HOME PAGE. It’s not as personal as it was, now I feel like a regular player now. NOT A CLUB POGO MEMBER. You have to go 1/2 way down the page to find your mini, token amount & Gems. HATE IT!! HATE IT!! NOT AS PERSONAL!! POGO you really need to listen or you are going to lose alot of customers including ME Please change it back. CHANGE IT BACK NOW PLEASE PLEASE BEFORE IT’S TO LATE WE PAY WE SHOULD HAVE THE SAY!!!

  • I can’t believe all the negative comments. Not much has changed, they basically just switched places with the right and left. I don’t see any advertisements and my entire mini is there. I seem to remember a while back that the page looked very similar to this new one.

    • It’s totally redesigned. badges have switched sides, all of the My Stuff (token/gem balances, notifications, etc) has been been pushed down on the left side instead of being front and center, huge icons for favorite games, recently played toolbar at the top, Mini is down on the left side, the box for news has been added, and the ad scroller thingy is front and center rather than at the top. Oh and the page looks like the free site rather than the paid site. Nope, NOTHING has been changed….NOTHING at all………

    • Obviously a Pogo employee posing as a paying member – WE SEE RIGHT THROUGH YOU!!!! Shame on you!!!!

  • I hope you take all of this negative feedback seriously POGO I too strongly dislike this new home page. I find it very confusing & not visually attractive at all! Please return the former home page format! Reversing this decision will be the best move POGO can make!! Hurry!!!

  • just received my 9 year reward, will not being receiving my 10th. Im not renewing next month if it doesnt change back. It was easy for the kids to find the game they wanted, now their just looking at it wanting to know where their games are. It looks like a coupon website!!!

  • I HATE THIS NEW PAGE CONFUSING to cluttered and needs to go back to old page QUIT changing it PLEASE

  • this is rediculous! I was seriously thinking about giving up my pogo membership with the last set of changes { in bedded games }… but now there is no question. You say it was changed with members in mind, well frankly, i dont see it.its un organized i have to scroll for ever to get to my things,the grafics are horrible,the wording is the same color as the back grounds and for some who have trouble seeing we cant see it at all now!it amazes me that you can charge for your membership and think you STILL have the right to tell us where and how to set up our home page the is NOT a membership.look up the definition.In your attempt to cram adds down our throats that you say in your advertisment for membership… if you pay you dont have to deal with them… well this is just a way for you to get get the money and the adds in.shame on you! way back when… pogo wsas a PROUD family site…. well so sorry pogo, my family holds to better morals and values, the all mighty dollar doesnt win all the time.

  • I’m with all of you who don’t like this new format. Bring the old back, pleaseeeeeeeeee!

  • This really sucks…Please bring back the old home page. I couldn’t get a free badge either.

  • HATE IT!!!!! Takes up too much room on the screen and cannot find the games quickly.

  • HATE THE NEW HOMEPAGE. I am cancelling my membership when it runs out this March, enough wasting my money since 2000!!! Forget this, I quit you can keep the tokens I hate this.

  • This is absolutely HORRIBLE! Please go back to the old homepage. I love the old layout. Everything had a place and was easy to access. I hope it will not be long before you change this back.

  • Sorry POGO, but the first thing I wanted to do upon seeing the new homepage was take a broom to it. I like seeing my Mini upon entering POGO, as I could promptly see that I was properly dressed. Now I don’t see it until I scroll down to the middle of the page. From the comments I’ve seen, maybe this is something you should have taken a poll on. Not a good change! Sorry I really do hate to complain, but it looks like I’ll be keeping the broom out.

  • Agree with everyone – hate it – bring back the old one!

  • Do you know what I like about this new homepage…ABSOLUTELY NOTHING!!!!!!!!

  • You are going to lose an awful lot of your paying members. WE DO NOT LIKE THE NEW FORMAT !!!!!!

  • “If it ain’t broke don’t fix it.” Please can we have the old page back. At least give us the option of which one we use. Is that possible? After so many ongoing problems with pogo I feel
    you are really alienating the true pogo fans again. This could really affect your followers.

  • (I wonder just how sloooowwwly I will have to type so as NOT to be told to slow down? Especially since I have never posted before.)
    I don’t think there is a chance in the universe that the Pogo people are listening to us, the paying customers. They take great pride in the fact that Pogo makes enough money from its Advertisers to keep Pogo up and running for all the players who want to play for free. In order for that to happen, they need to kiss the “cheeks” of the Advertisers. I predict that the Homepage will not change until someone decides that there needs to be more advertising and promotion on it. Then, there will be another big “anticipation campaign” and we will be getting more of what we never wanted in the first place – just like this time.


  • hate this new page confusing ????????????????bring the old back

  • I also agree with another member that more things should be available for tokens. They are really not any use at all. Perhaps swapping tokens for downloads for Mobile phones would be a nice thing.

  • It’s too busy, confusing and I hate it! If your goal was to make paying members happy…. you waaaay missed your target. What were you thinking pogo? Yuck yuck yuck~ We pay for our pogo, why didn’t you ask us for input? This sux big time.

  • YOU have got to be kidding, sucks doesn’t come close. Not even a vote on this mess. New isn’t always better, workable is great. Please return to former layout, or at least offer a choice

  • awfulllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll go back to the original POGO

  • I don’t like the new home page – it’s too busy!

  • Hate it! Hate it! Hate it! Cancelled my autorenew by removing my credit info. Do not like anything about the “new and improved” home page. I like the “old and user friendly” home page. I hope the powers that be are listening to us and restore our old pogo home page! This new home page is disgustingly ugly and an insult to our intelligence.

  • New home page is HORRIBLE> I want my membership fee refunded. What good is Pogo if you can’t play your favorite games !!!

  • this new home page is terrible, but ;pogo will not fix it,I do not like the embedded games,and they still have them. they want out comments, but they really do nothing.

  • I agree I hate this new homepage, hard to find my stuff, and mini is only half there. change it back this sucks.

  • I’m beginning to think EA Sports is trying to drive away all the faithful, longtime customers who put Pogo on the map. They make changes, just to make changes (like this current abomination). Just look at the new games they introduce. Almost all can be classed as infantile.

    I’m sure goofy Ms. Netiquette will take a sip of tea and tell us everything is ok.

    Just got a message saying i was posting comments too quickly. The only other comment i made was almost 4 hours ago!. Sheesh.