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Jungle Gin HD FAQ

Thank you for all of your feedback on Jungle Gin HD!  We’ve read your questions so we wanted to take a minute to answer some of the most frequently asked questions.

Q: How do I play and chat with my friend?
A: To play and chat with your friend while playing Jungle Gin HD, please follow the steps outlined below:
1. From the main menu click/tap the “Join a Game” from the Main Menu.

2. That will take you to the “Join a Game” menu.
3. Any games currently being played by your friends will appear at the top of the page under the “Friends’ Tables” header.

4. You can further search for your “Friends’ Tables” by clicking/tapping on the box next to “Filter By” text.
5. You can filter games based on:
a. All settings
b. Player Skill
c. Rule Set
d. Knock Limit
e. Aces
f. Multi-game Match
g. Game Points

6. To join your friend in their game click/tap on the “Join” option next to your friend’s game.

7. Once in the game you will see the “Chat” box is built into the right side of the table.

Q: How do I find a custom table to play a game on?
A: To find and play on a custom table please follow the steps outlined below:

  1. From the main menu click/tap the “Join a Game” button.
  2. That will take you to the “Join a Game” menu.
  3. Any custom tables currently being played on will appear down the page under the “Table” header.
  4. You can filter the different “Tables” by clicking/tapping on the box next to “Filter By” text.
  5. You can filter games based on:
    1. All settings
    2. Player Skill
    3. Rule Set
    4. Knock Limit
    5. Aces
    6. Multi-game Match
    7. Game Points
  6. To join the game click/tap on the “Join” button next to the game.If there is a lock icon, then the player that created this table has set a password and their table is not open to all players.

Q: How do I create a custom table to play on?
A: To create a custom table please follow the steps outlined below:
1. From the main menu click/tap the “Host a Game” button.

2. That will take you to the “Host a Game” menu.

3. Here you can change the “Table Settings” and Game Settings” based on your desired play style.  These can be found under the “Create a Table” title in the upper left of this screen.
4. “Table Settings” allows you to change:
a. Room Visibility (private room)
b. Player Type (robots/humans)
c.Turn Timer
i. This will allow you to then set the time allowed per turn
d. Skill Range (Limit skill range of joining players)
e. Fast animations (yes/no)

5. “Game Settings” allows you to change:
a. Aces
i. Aces can be high, or low+high
b. Knock Limit
i. Choose between regular gin, Oklahoma Gin, Cut for Knock Limit, or turn knocking off
c. Points per game
i. Set the number of points required to win a game
d. Multi-game Match (yes/no)
i. This allows you to then set the score that ends the match – or to play a single game only

6. At the bottom of each page you will see the option “Reuse Same Options For Next Time”. Clicking/tapping in the box to the left of the text will turn that option on and save your custom table settings. You only have to select the box once on one of the tabs to save your settings.
7. When you are ready to start the game click/tap on the “Play Now” button in the top right corner.

Q: Can I set skill level when creating a custom table?
A: This setting is available to change. Please follow the steps below to do so:

  1. To access this setting click/tap the “Create” button under the “Host a Game” text on the main menu. That will take you to the “Host a Game” menu.
  2. There you will see two options in the top left “Table Settings” and “Game Settings”. You want to select “Table Settings” by clicking/tapping on the text.
  3. Scroll down the page and you will see the setting “Skill Range”.
  4. Click/tap on the “Yes” and “No” slider for  “Limit skill range of joining players?”.
  5. Turning that setting on allows you to click/tap on the “Skill Range” box or boxes of your choosing.

Q: How can I make a game Gin only by disabling knocking?
A: This setting is available to change. Please follow the steps below to do so:

  1. To access this setting click/tap the “Create” button under the “Host a Game” text on the main menu. That will take you to the “Host a Game” menu.
  2. There you will see two options in the top left “Table Settings” and “Game Settings”. You want to select “Game Settings” by clicking/tapping on the text.
  3. On that page will see the setting “Knock Limit”.
  4. Click/tap on the drop down list and choose the  “No Knocking” option.
  5. Turning that setting on allows you to disable “Knocking” in your custom game and the only way to win is going Gin.

Q: Can you turn on Oklahoma Gin?
A: This setting is available to change. Please follow the steps below to do so:

  1. To access this setting click/tap the “Create” button under the “Host a Game” text on the main menu. That will take you to the “Host a Game” menu.
  2. There you will see two options in the top left “Table Settings” and “Game Settings”. You want to select “Game Settings” by clicking/tapping on the text.
  3. On that page you will see the setting “Knock Limit” option.
  4. Click/tap on the drop down list and choose the “Oklahoma Gin (cut for limit, spades double points” option.
  5. Turning that setting on allows you to play “Oklahoma Gin” in your custom game.

Q: How can I play a 500 point match??
A: This setting is available to change. Please follow the steps below to do so:

  1. To access this setting click/tap the “Create” button under the “Host a Game” text on the main menu. That will take you to the “Host a Game” menu.
  2. There you will see two options in the top left “Table Settings” and “Game Settings”. You want to select “Game Settings” by clicking/tapping on the text.
  3. At the bottom of the page you will see the setting “Multi-game match”.
  4. You can now click/tap on the drop down list and choose “500 Point Match”.
    1. Please note that you can also set a 300 and 700 point match.
  5. Turning these settings on allows you to set a different end score for your custom game.

Q: Can I play “Oklahoma Gin” with “Knocking” turned off?
A: This is not possible because the rules for “Oklahoma Gin” state that the first card up determines the knock limit of the game.

Thank you for your questions about Jungle Gin HD! If you have more how-to questions about Jungle Gin HD, please discuss on the Jungle Gin HD forum page.

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